Wednesday 26 December 2018

Nasty People

🍃 Sweet Mother, does something aspire even in the most nasty people?

In the most nasty people?... yes, my child — even in the Asuras, even in the Adversaries, even in the monsters, there is something.

There is always a corner, a kind of rift, a sensitive point, which is usually called a weakness. But this actually is the strength of the being, the point by which it can be touched.

For even in the most obscure and misled beings, even in those whose conscious will is to fight against the Divine, in spite of themselves, in spite of everything, their origin is divine. And they work in vain, try in vain to cut themselves off from their origin; they cannot do it. Deliberately, consciously, they try all they can; but they know very well they cannot do it. Even the
most monstrous being there is always a means to touch.

The Divine, the Divine’s action in the world, always acts as a limit to the excess of evil, and at the same time gives an unlimited power to the good. And it is this unlimited power of the good which, externally, in the manifestation, serves as a limit
to the spreading of evil.

Naturally, to the very limited vision of human beings it seems sometimes that evil has no limits and that it goes to its extreme. But this extreme itself is a limit. There is always a halt, because there is a point where the Divine rises up and says, “You won’t go any farther.” Whether it be the great destructions of Nature or men’s monstrosities, there is always a moment when the Divine intervenes and prevents things from going farther.
(Long silence)

Sweet Mother, do those who have this aspiration without knowing it also progress without knowing it?

Yes — yes.

Then everybody is progressing, always, isn’t that so?

In a certain way, yes. Only it may not be apparent in one lifetime, because when there is no conscious participation of the being, the movement is relatively slow, even relative to the short dura- tion of human life. And so it is quite possible, for example, that at the moment of death a being seems not to have progressed, and even sometimes it seems to have been going backwards, to have lost what it had at the beginning of its life. But if we take the great life-curve of its psychic being through many lives, there is always a progress. Each experience it had in one of its physical lifetimes helps it to make some progress. But it is the psychic being which always progresses.

The physical being, in the state in which it is at present — well, having reached a certain point of ascent, it comes down again. There are elements which may not come down again grossly; but still it does come down, one can’t deny it.

The vital being — not necessarily, nor the mental being. The vital being, if it knows how to get connected with the universal force, can very easily have no retrogression; it can continue to as- cend. And the mental being, it’s absolutely certain, is completely free from all degeneration if it continues to develop normally. So these always make progress so long as they remain co-ordinated and under the influence of the psychic.

It is only the physical being which grows and decomposes. But this comes from its lack of plasticity and receptivity and by its very nature; it is not inevitable. Therefore there is room to think that at a given moment, as the physical consciousness itself progresses consciously and deliberately, well, to a certain extent and increasingly the body itself will be able, first to resist decay —which, obviously, must be the first movement—and then gradually begin to grow in inner perfection till it overcomes the forces of decomposition.

But truly speaking, it’s the only thing which for the moment does not progress. Everything else is progressing.

But this substance itself — that is, this material physical substance which forms it constitutes an organism which lives for a certain length of time in a given form and then this form declines and dissolves — the substance itself constituting these successive forms progresses through all these forms. That is, the molecular, cellular substance — perhaps even the cellular — the molecular and atomic, is progressing in its capacity to express the divine Force and Consciousness. Through all these organ- isms this substance becomes more and more conscious, more and more luminous, more and more receptive, until it reaches a perfection sufficient for it to become a possible vehicle for the divine Force itself which will be able to use it as it uses the elements of the other parts of the creation, like the mind or the vital.

And at that moment the physical substance will be ready to manifest in the world the new Consciousness, new Light, new Will. Through all the centuries, through countless lives, passing through innumerable organisms, using countless experiences it, so to speak, becomes refined; it is prepared, and becomes more and more receptive and open to the divine Forces.

So, a man as a momentary individual being may not ap- pear to progress. But the progress is continued through him, as through all organisms.

🌸 The Mother (Questions and Answers, Volume-7, page no.424-427)

Physical things have a consciousness

It is very true that physical things have a consciousness within them which feels and responds to care and is sensitive to careless touch and rough handling. To know or feel that and learn to be careful of them is a great progress in consciousness.
There is a consciousness in each physical thing with which one can communicate. Everything has an individuality of a certain kind, houses, cars, furniture etc. The ancient peoples knew that and so they saw a spirit or "genius" in every physical thing.
The rough handling and careless breaking or waste and misuse of physical things is a denial of the Yogic Consciousness and a great hindrance to the bringing down of the Divine Truth to the material plane.

CWSA 29 - 288.                      Sri Aurobindo

Sunday 23 December 2018

Hot Coconut water

Hot Coconut water​ please forward please forward:
 Dr Abbas Hussain  Kazmi of Sheikh  Zaid Hospital stressed that if everyone who receives this newsletter can forward ten copies to others, surely at least one life will be saved back... I have already done my part, hope You can also help with your part. thank!

Hot coconut water can save you a lifetime

Look at it again, then tell others,
    Spread love out!

Hot coconut ~ only kill cancer cells!

Cut 2 to 3 thin coconut flakes in a cup, add hot water, it will become "alkaline water", drink every day, it is good for anyone.

Hot Coconut water releases an anti-cancer substance, which is the latest advance in the effective treatment of cancer in the medical field.

Hot coconut juice has an effect on cysts and tumors. Proven to remedy all types of cancer.

This type of treatment with coconut extract only destroys malignant cells, it does not affect healthy cells.

In addition, the amino acid and coconut polyphenol in coconut juice can regulate high blood pressure, effectively prevent deep vein thrombosis, adjust blood circulation and reduce blood clots.

After reading, tell others, family, friends, spread love! Take care of your own health.

Bhupinder Singh Bedi
Vice Chairman IHRO 
Your one shar may be save  someone's life.


THE LAST DAYS OF MRINALINI DEVI AND SRI AUROBINDO’S LETTER TO HIS FATHER-IN-LAW This is the last of the posts we have published ...