Wednesday 12 July 2017

True Wisdom

Sub-Judge: “Revered Sir, how can we know that true wisdom?”

Sri Ramakrishna: “When true wisdom comes, God does not appear to be very far. He is no longer there, but here in the heart. He is no longer “that”, but “this”. He dwells within all. Whoever seeks Him, finds Him”. …

Brahmo devotee: “What is the sign of one, who has attained true wisdom living in the world?”

Ramakrishna: “When the repetition of the Name of the Lord will bring tears to the eyes, send a thrill through the whole body and make the hair stand on end. The spiritual eye must be opened. It is open, when the mind is purified. Then the presence of Divinity will be realized everywhere and every woman will appear as Divine Mother.

Everything is in the mind. The impure mind brings attachment to the world, and the purified mind brings the realization of God. The impure mind of a man becomes attached to a woman. Woman naturally loves man and man naturally loves woman, and from this spring attachment and worldliness. …

So long as there is attachment to worldliness, and thirst for objects of lust, so long there is attachment to the body. As attachment to the world grows less, the mind goes towards the Atman or the true Self, and the attachment to the physical body becomes less. When the attachment to the world has entirely vanished, Self-knowledge comes, and the Atman is separated from the physical body.

When an ordinary cocoanut is cut into halves, it is very difficult to separate the kernel from the shell; but when it is dried, the kernel becomes separate from the shell by itself. You can feel it by shaking it.

A man, who has realized God, becomes like the dry cocoanut, his soul becomes separate from his body and all attachment to the body leaves him. He is not affected by the pleasure and pain of the body; he does not seek the comforts of the body; he moves from place to place like an emancipated soul.
"A true devotee of my Divine Mother attains absolute freedom in this life and is eternally blissful". When you notice that tears flow and the thrill comes at the repetition of the Name of the Lord, then you may know that attachment to sense -objects has become less and the devotee is on the path of Realization”.

Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna
(“The Gospel of Ramakrishna” by Swami Abhedananda, Vedanta Society, New York, Ch. XI “Sri Ramakrishna At The Sinti Brahmosamaj”, p. 331)

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अफजल खां का वध

20 नवम्बर, 1659 ई. - अफजल खां का वध :- बीजापुर की तरफ से अफजल खां को छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के खिलाफ भेजा गया। अफजल खां 10 हज़ार क...