Sunday 26 November 2017

When psychic being is established

It is when the contact with the psychic being is established that the heart feels this strange heaviness, the heaviness of all what is still in the nature preventing the complete union with the soul - and this heaviness brings always tears in the eyes - but the tears are sweet and the heaviness itself is sweet if one keeps quiet and concentrated, turned inwardly with surrender and confidence.

The Mother.

Thursday 23 November 2017

๐ŸŒธ SIDDHI DAY 24th November, 1926 ๐ŸŒธ

🌸 SIDDHI DAY 24th November, 1926 🌸
        ...... On the wall, near the central door, was hung a black silk curtain with a Chinese Dragon in gold lace-work.

        The band-wood chairs in which we used to sit for Meditation etc. were all removed and replaced by mats spread on the floor.

         Absolute silence prevailed and the verandah was full of Spiritual Light. Automatically we got into a state of meditation, waiting for the arrival of the Master.

          A few minutes after, at about 7 p.m. the door behind the curtain opened and the Mother and the Masters appeared-the Master with his majestic gait and the Mother in her queenly bearing. The Master was dressed in silk dhoti and chaddar, and the Mother in a silk sari. The Master took his sit in his foot-rest which was placed on this day a little to the left.

          The Master looked absolutely grand, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Samrat, as if Emperor of the Universe, head lion-like, eyes wide-open as if looking from far beyond, detached yet supporting the entire universe; absolutely powerful, yet compassionate and kind to all, the supreme Godhead, absolutely Samrat, one who had conquered himself entirely and had established his Anand and light in every part and each cell of his body, from head to foot, his whole body radiating light and love and bliss to all creation.

            The Mother was the embodiment of Love. Compassion, Purity, Beauty, Youth, Grace and Rhythm. She also looked majestic, her beaming eyes full of compassion, for the earthly creation, Mother of the universe, Shakti of the Master.

             It was a very auspicious day, since on this day Sri Krishna, who is the Anandamaya and who supports the evolution, descended into the physical. Sri Aurobindo embodied the Supreme Godhead on this day.

             The Master held out his left hand a few inches above the head of the Mother and he blessed the disciples who had assembled with his right hand as they bowed down to him and the Mother, one by one; some as the disciples bowed more than once.

             There was absolutely no talk, no sound. Neither the Mother nor Sri Aurobindo spoke a word, the atmosphere was charged with utter calmness and peace and bliss, perfect silence reigned throughout the function. Then after about half an hour or so, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother withdrew and went within.

             Now Datta came out, inspired and declared, “The Master has conquered death, decay, disease, hunger and sleep.” We were spell-bound and unable to move for some time. We felt as if we had been transported to heaven. Then we came down stair, probably one by one....

             Sri Aurobindo “retired” either on the following day or one or two days after.

Rajani Palit
Mother India
December 1962, Page no.27,28

The physical body acts as a protection

How does the physical body act as a protection?
The physical body acts as a protection by its grossness, by the
very thing we charge against it. It is dull and insensitive, thick,
rigid and hard; it is like a fortress with strong dense walls. The
vital world is fluidic, there things move and mix and interpenetrate
freely; it is like the waves of the sea that ceaselessly flow
into each other and change and mingle. Against this fluidity of
the vital world you are defenceless unless you can oppose to it a
very powerful light and force from inside; otherwise it penetrates
you and there is nothing to hamper its invading influence. But
the body intervenes, cuts you off from the vital world and is a
dam against the flood of its forces.-THE MOTHER.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

That is Her Will

The Master Sri Ramakrishna said: "The Divine Mother is always playful and sportive. This universe is Her play. She is self-willed and must always have Her own way. She is full of bliss. She gives freedom to one out of a hundred thousand."

A BRAHMO DEVOTEE: "But, sir, if She likes, She can give freedom to all. Why, then, has She kept us bound to the world?"

MASTER: "That is Her will. She wants to continue playing with Her created beings. In a game of hide-and-seek the running about soon stops if in the beginning all the players touch the 'granny'. If all touch her, then how can the game go on? That displeases her. Her pleasure is in continuing the game.

Therefore the poet said:

Out of a hundred thousand kites, at best but one or two break free;
And Thou dost laugh and clap Thy hands, O Mother, watching them!

~Sri Ramakrishna

Monday 20 November 2017

Follow your Soul

If you follow your mind, it will not recognise the Mother even when she is manifest before you. Follow your soul and not your mind, your soul that answers to the Truth, not your mind that leaps at appearances. Trust the Divine Power and she will free the godlike elements in you and shape all into an expression of Divine Nature.

- Sri Aurobindo.

Hitler and Stalin

🌺 In February you gave a message saying “a new light shall break upon the earth”,3 and just after that [on 5 March 1953], Stalin died. Does this signify anything?

That would truly be a small result. The death of Stalin (unfortu- nately not any more than the death of Hitler) has not changed the present state of the world. Something more than that would be necessary. For this is like the assassin who is guillotined: when his head is cut off, his spirit remains behind and is projected outside him. It is a vital formation and it goes and takes shelter in one of the benevolent spectators, who suddenly feels a criminal instinct in himself. There are many men like that, specially very young criminals who when questioned have acknowledged this. They have been asked: “When did this desire to kill come to you?” and the frequent reply is: “It got hold of me when I saw so-and-so executed.”

So, this is of no use, the death of this one or that other. That does not help very much — the thing goes elsewhere. It is only one form. It is as though you did something very wicked with a particular shirt on and then threw away your shirt and said: “Now, I shall no longer do harm.” You continue with another shirt on!

If life has been converted into death, why doesn’t it itself die?

Because it protects itself well. What you say is quite true, but it takes good care not to incarnate on earth. And in the vital world there is no death, it does not exist there. It is in the material world that this exists, and it takes very good care not to incarnate.

Was Stalin predestined to be what he was?

Stalin? I am not quite sure that he was a human being... in the sense that I don’t think he had a psychic being. Or perhaps he did have one — in all matter, in every atom there is a divine centre — but I mean a conscious psychic being, formed, individualised. I don’t think so. I believe it was a direct incarnation of a being of the vital world. And that was the great difference between him and Hitler. Hitler was simply a man, and as a man he was very weak-minded, very sentimental—he had the conscience of a petty workman (some said of a petty shoemaker), in any case of a little workman or a little school-master, something like that, a very small conscience, and extremely sentimental, what is called in French “fleur bleue”, very weak.

But he was possessed. He was rather mediocre by nature, very mediocre. He was a medium, a very good medium — the thing took hold of him, besides, during spiritism se ́ances. It was at that moment that he was seized by those fits which were described as epileptic. They were not epileptic: they were attacks of possession. It was thus that he had a kind of power, which however was not very great. But when he wanted to know some- thing from that power, he went away to his castle, and there, in “meditation”, there truly he invoked very intensely what he
called his “god”, his supreme god, who was the Lord of the Nations. And everything seemed to him magnificent. It was a being... it was small — it appeared to him all in silver armour, with a silver helmet and golden plume! It was magnificent! And a light so dazzling that hardly could the eyes see and bear that blaze. Naturally it did not appear physically—Hitler was a medium, he saw. He had a sort of clairvoyance. And it was at such times that he had his fits: he rolled on the ground, he drivelled, bit the carpet, it was frightful, the state he was in. The people around him knew it. Well, that being is the “Lord of the Nations”. And it is not even the Lord of the Nations in its origin, it is an emanation of the Lord of the Nations, and a very powerful emanation.

If it chooses to disappear, would that be a loss of power for the Divine?

What? What are you saying! Disappear where? What do you call disappearing? — Disappear where? You know the story of the Ramayana. What did Ravana choose? You know that? Very well, this is what is called choosing to disappear: that is to say, he has no longer any individuality.

🌸 The Mother ( Question and Answers, Volume-5, page no.377-379)

The Lord and Sri Aurobindo

"what is the difference between the Lord and Sri Aurobindo ??"

The Mother replies : " There is no essential difference, but the Lord is All and Sri Aurobindo is a part but conscious of the Supreme Lord of whom He is an emanation ." The Lord, the Mother adds, does not have "a practice particular form.
He  has all possible forms and He is also beyond all forms.... That is why He sends upon earth His Avatars so that the human beings can more easily  meet Him, see Him and get in contact with Him." And Sri Aurobindo is " a permanent Avatar of the Lord ." Though he has withdrawn from this physical world, he continues to work for it from a subtler habitation."He Has" the Mother announces "a permanent home in the subtle  physical -- ( the region closest to the earth -- physical)  where all those who wish to see Him can go and see Him. There in the subtle physical , His form is similar to the one He had upon earth , but with the splendid peace of immortality ."

--M.P.Pandit .The Mother love vol.1 p. 24

Sunday 19 November 2017

๐ŸŒธ Yoga-for the sake of The Divine ๐ŸŒธ

🌸 Yoga-for the sake of The Divine 🌸

Will you say something to us about Yoga?

The Mother: What do you want the Yoga for? To get power? To attain to peace and calm? To serve humanity?

None of these motives is sufficient to show that you are meant for the Path.

The question you are to answer is this: Do you want the Yoga for the sake of the Divine? Is the Divine the supreme fact of your life, so much so that it is simply impossible for you to do without it? Do you feel that your very raison d’eˆtre is the Divine and without it there is no meaning in your existence? If so, then only can it be said that you have a call for the Path.

This is the first thing necessary — aspiration for the Divine.

The next thing you have to do is to tend it, to keep it always alert and awake and living. And for that what is required is concentration — concentration upon the Divine with a view to an integral and absolute consecration to its Will and Purpose.

Concentrate in the heart. Enter into it; go within and deep and far, as far as you can. Gather all the strings of your con- sciousness that are spread abroad, roll them up and take a plunge and sink down.

A fire is burning there, in the deep quietude of the heart. It is the divinity in you — your true being. Hear its voice, follow its dictates.

There are other centres of concentration, for example, one above the crown and another between the eye-brows. Each has its own efficacy and will give you a particular result. But the central being lies in the heart and from the heart proceed all central movements — all dynamism and urge for transformation and power of realisation.

What is one to do to prepare oneself for the Yoga?

The Mother: To be conscious, first of all. We are conscious of only an insignif- icant portion of our being; for the most part we are unconscious. It is this unconsciousness that keeps us down to our unregen- erate nature and prevents change and transformation in it. It is through unconsciousness that the undivine forces enter into us and make us their slaves. You are to be conscious of your- self, you must awake to your nature and movements, you must know why and how you do things or feel or think them; you must understand your motives and impulses, the forces, hidden and apparent, that move you; in fact, you must, as it were, take to pieces the entire machinery of your being. Once you are conscious, it means that you can distinguish and sift things, you can see which are the forces that pull you down and which help you on. And when you know the right from the wrong, the true from the false, the divine from the undivine, you are to act strictly up to your knowledge; that is to say, resolutely reject one and accept the other. The duality will present itself at every step and at every step you will have to make your choice. You will have to be patient and persistent and vigilant — “sleepless”, as the adepts say; you must always refuse to give any chance whatever to the undivine against the divine.

Is the Yoga for the sake of humanity?

The Mother: No, it is for the sake of Divinity. It is not the welfare of humanity that we seek but the manifestation of the Divine. We are here to work out the Divine Will, more truly, to be worked upon by the Divine Will so that we may be its instruments for the progressive incorporation of the Supreme and the establishment of His reign upon earth. Only that portion of humanity which will respond to the Divine Call shall receive its Grace.

Whether humanity as a whole will be benefited, if not di- rectly, at least, in an indirect way, will depend upon the condition of humanity itself. If one is to judge from the present conditions, there is not much hope. What is the attitude today of the average man — the representative humanity? Does he not rise in anger and revolt directly he meets something that partakes of the genuinely divine? Does he not feel that the Divine means the destruction of his cherished possessions? Is he not continually yelling out the most categorical negative to everything that the Divine intends and wills? Humanity will have to change much before it can hope to gain anything by the advent of the Divine.

🌸 The Mother (On 7th April 1929, page no. 1to3 questions and answers Volume-3)

You are Unique

You are Unique
By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

“A plum once said, ‘just because a banana lover came by, I converted myself into a banana. Unfortunately, his taste changed after a few months and so I became an orange. When he said I was bitter I became an apple, but he went in search of grapes. Yielding to the opinions of so many people, I have changed so many times that I no more know who I am. How I wish I had remained a plum and waited for a plum lover.’
Just because a group of people do not accept you as you are, there is no necessity for you to strip yourself of your originality. You need to think good of yourself, for the world takes you at your own estimate. Never stoop down in order to gain recognition. Never let go of your true self to win a relationship. In the long run, you will regret that you traded your greatest Glory – your uniqueness, for momentary validation. Even Gandhi was not accepted by many people. The group that does not accept you as YOU is not Your world.
There is a world for each one of you, where you shall reign as king /queen by just being yourself. Find that world… In fact, that world will find You.
What water can do, gasoline cannot and what copper can, gold cannot. The fragility of the ant enables it to move and the rigidity of the tree enables it to stay rooted. Everything and everybody has been designed with a Proportion of uniqueness to serve a purpose that we can fulfill only by being our unique self. You as you alone can serve your purpose and I as I alone can serve my purpose. You are here to be you… Just YOU.
There was a time in this world when a Krishna was required and he was sent; A time when a Christ was required and he was sent; a time when a Mahatma was required and he was sent; There came a time when you were required on this planet and hence you were sent. Let us be the best we can be.
In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you.
Existence should have loved you so much that it broke the mould after making you, so that another of your kind will never get repeated.
You are original.
You are rare.
You are unique.
You are a wonder.
You are a masterpiece. .. Your Master’s piece.

Celebrate your Uniqueness!''

Celebrate Life...... Pranam sadguru

Saturday 18 November 2017

Her Lotus Feet

To my Divine Mother I prayed only for pure love. I offered flowers at Her Lotus Feet and prayed to Her: “Mother, here is Thy virtue, here is Thy vice. Take them both and grant me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy knowledge, here is Thy ignorance, take them both and grant me only pure love for Thee.

Here is Thy purity, here is Thy impurity. Take them both, Mother, and grant me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy dharma, here is Thy adharma. Take them both, Mother, and grant me only pure love for Thee.”

~Sri Ramakrishna

The Divine is indeed what you expect of Him

🕉  If you believe that the Divine is far and cruel, He will be far and cruel, because it will be necessary for your ultimate good that you feel the wrath of God; He will be Kali for the worshippers of Kali, and beatitude for the Bhakta. And He will be the All-Knowledge of the seekers of knowledge, the transcendent Impersonal of the illusionists; He will be atheist with atheist and love of the lover. He will be brotherly and close, a friend always faithful, always ready to succour those who feel Him as the inner guide in each movement, at every moment. And if you believe that He can wipe away everything, He will wipe away all your faults, all your errors tirelessly, and at every moment you can feel His infinite Grace. The Divine is indeed what you expect of Him in your deepest aspiration.

🌸 The Mother (Memorable Contacts with The Mother by Nirodbaran, page no. 175)

Friday 17 November 2017

The Mother’s Photographs

The Mother’s Photographs

Mother, what is there in Your photo?

What do you mean?

What does it represent? What is there in Your photos ?

Don’t you know what is there? (Mother smiles) It is I who am there. I am myself there in the photo.

But in what form are You there?

In all the forms I am there. It depends on the photograph. It depends on many things, for in each photo I am different. To each individual to whom I give it, it is a different aspect of myself. At each moment I am represented by a different form, a different attitude, and to each one and for each one it is a different thing. It is never the same.

To someone it is the aspect of Kindness, to another, it is another aspect of Calm, of perfect Serenity, of Mercy, of Compassion, of cosmic Truth, of eternal, infinite Consciousness, or else the aspect of Power, of Humility and of divine Sweetness and so on, which is represented in the same photograph.

It varies with each individual, each instant and each attitude, it is something new. It is constantly changing. I am never the same. It depends on the indications and many things. In each photo I am different and to each one I reveal myself in a distinctly different way which is right for him.

Usually in a photo it is one of my infinite states of Consciousness and varied moods of expression caught eternally in a moment — the Universal Mother in Her infinite forms. It is for you to find out which of my aspects predominates in each photo — what strikes you when you see the photo.

You must feel and find it. In each photo it is a different aspect of myself which is revealed. It is an entity that is present. It is not a picture on a piece of paper, but a living Presence, a vibrant Force and an Entity or an Emanation which is projected and which has a power of action and formidable means of execution.

Anyway, it is a part of myself, materialised, concrete, which reveals itself in such a way that the Force can act through the photo itself, because there my Presence is living and a portion of myself is manifested in the photo.

It also depends on the person to whom I give the photo, on what he needs, at what moment, for what reason and why; all this plays a very important part. That is why it is never the same personality or the same aspect which reveals itself. But it depends on many things, according to his state of consciousness, his temperament. In fact, it varies constantly. For you it may be one thing, while for another it may be completely different, although being the same photo. That is how it is. But why do you want to know this?

Because, Mother, the other day when I brought the photos I sent for A’s son, I wanted to know what exactly is there in Your photos

My child, me, I am there in the photos. Exactly what you see here now: the whole, like this, I am there in the photos. What I am, it is there in the photos. Only, in each photo a different aspect of myself reveals itself. All the same it is I who am there.

It is said, Mother, that it is Your emanations which are in the photos and…

Yes, that is true, it is my emanations that are there.

Not You in Your entirety?

I am present, in my emanations, I am there, like this, the whole… But why do you want to talk about or discuss this subject?… It is not a subject of conversation.

But, Mother, I want to know.

We will see…. Yes, I am present as you see me, in my totality. I am in the photos. Isn’t that enough?

Yes, Mother.

… It is time.

Au revoir, Douce Mère.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Sincerity suffices

🌿 If one has the trust, does the help come automatically?

Even an atom of sincerity suffices, and it comes. And if, truly, one calls very sincerely (not just calling and at the same time saying, “We are going to see now if it is going to succeed” — that naturally is not a very good condition), but if one calls very sincerely and sincerely needs the answer, one waits and it always comes. And if one can silence one’s mind and be a little quiet, one even perceives the coming of the help and what form it takes.

🌸 The Mother ( Question and Answers, Volume-5, page no.371-372)

Resign yourself to Him

What are you to do when
you are placed in this world?
Give up everything to Him,
resign yourself to Him,
and there will be no more trouble for you...
Then you will come to know that everything is done by His will....

Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa....

Sunday 12 November 2017

Her Grace

The mind can disentangle itself from worldliness if, through Her grace, She makes it turn toward Herself. Only then does it become devoted to the Lotus Feet of the Divine Mother.

~Sri Ramakrishna

Saturday 11 November 2017

Spiritual Realisation in Jail

Spiritual Realisation in Jail

...I found these walks quite pleasant. The boundaries of my transient kingdom were marked by the jail factory on one side and the cowshed on the other. Whilst walking back and forth between these two boundaries, I would recite mantras from the Upanishads - mantras that were at once solemn, deeply-moving, eternal and potent. Or I would try to experience the presence of Narayana (God) in all that existed around me. I would silently repeat the mantra - Sarvam khalvidam Brahma (All this is the Brahman)- and seek to realize its essence in all objects, animate or inanimate. In this manner, I would attain a state where the perception of reality was no longer defined by the prison and its commonplace objects. The high enclosure, the iron bars, the blank surface of the wall, the tree with its green leaves shining in the sunlight - all seemed to come alive as if animated by a universal consciousness. A vibration of pure love seemed to radiate from them towards me. All of creation seemed to be just Nature's elaborate play, whilst a vast, pure, detached spirit, rapt in a serene delight, looked out from within. Sometimes one could as if see the Lord standing under the tree, playing upon his Flute of Delight and drawing out my very soul with His sweetness. I was accompanied by a constant sense of being held in the Divine embrace or on the lap of the Divine Mother. These experiences overwhelmed my body and mind. A pure and wide peace reigned everywhere; it was an indescribable state. The hard crust of my exterior personality was removed, thus enabling a free outflow of love for all creatures from within. Other Sattwic elements such as charity, kindness and Ahimsa began to now dominate the Rajasic bent of my nature. As the Sattwic aspects gained more prominence in the personality, the sense of delight intensified and the peace too deepened. The anxiety over the case had dissipated in the beginning itself. Now an unshakeable faith grew in me that God being Mangalamaya, has brought me to this prison for my own mangala and therefore my acquittal and the quashing of charges were foregone conclusions. This faith made me immune to hardships and all suffering in Prison ceased hereafter.

(Translated from Sri Aurobindo's Karakahini in Bengali)

Helping Others

The idea of helping others is a subtle form of the ego.

It is only the Divine Force that can help.

One can be its instrument, but you should first learn to be a fit and egoless instrument.

Sri Aurobindo, SABCL, 23.



Where are you coming from?

    I was in front of Sri Aurobindo's Room.

But for what?

    To concentrate and to absorb he atmosphere, Mother.

Hmm! But who gave you the permission?
     I had asked you Mother, sometime back.

Oh! And did you inform Champaklal?

     Yes, Mother, he said: If Mother permits, I have no objection. You can stand in front of the door.

All right. You know, one has to be very pure to be able to stand there. The atmosphere in His room is charged with intense consciousness. One should not stand for a long time. One cannot.

       Mother, I remain there for five minutes.

It is all right.
       There, - there is the manifestation of truth. To be in front of His room is to perceive the absolute consciousness. He who knows how to open himself, truly opens himself wide and spontaneously, will find His invariable help for everything. It is unbelievable!  It is invincible!  And all-powerful! Do not pretend. In front of Him, one has to be straightforward, scrupulously frank and sincere and one has to simply open oneself to be able to feel His beatitude.
       It is extraordinary, the power of His Really . No one should stand and no one could bear it if He reveals Himself  in His entirety. That is why I was warning you in advance. Never pretend to make a semblance that you are one of those who have the permission to stand before His room. It vibrates His presence. Be happy and make of your life a consecration for accomplishing His work here below. It is an exceptional opportunity. Be worthy of it and do not waste time.


What a marvel!  What a power!  What grandeur!  The One who was with us, His Power and His Force still vibrate in His room. It is a place for mediation and for receiving the Vibration of the Truth which it emits. It is charged. The presence of Sri Aurobindo is palpably felt by one who is sincere. Voilà.

BLESSINGS OF THE GRACE BY MONA SARKAR  (page no. 109-110 on August 10, 1952)

Thursday 9 November 2017

Mysterious Mantra

Mysterious Mantra

M. said:  "Late in the evening the Master[Sri Ramakrishna] would chant this mantra, 'Brahma-maya-jiva-jagat' [Brahman-maya-soul-world]. One can attain perfection or see God by repeating this mantra. The Master said, 'This is a mysterious mantra.'"

-How to Live With God

Monday 6 November 2017

Jagatsingh’s illness

🌷 A letter from Nirmal Chand about Jagatsingh’s illness. In reply the following points were mentioned:
1. Improvement in his cancer is encouraging. It shows his receptivity.
2. I had been working on those points where he finds improvement.
3. Where he has failed it is due not to his fault, because the Power that is coming down does not as yet dominate the most material plane.
If Jagatsingh can stand the fight for a long time there is no reason why he should not be cured. It is very difficult to say with certainty what the result would be in such a case, yet I have not given it up as a desperate one. The attitude of samata which he has taken up with regard to the result is absolutely necessary.
In the letter Jagatsingh wrote that the spiritual help was “undeserved.”
Sri Aurobindo: It is never undeserved. It has come to him because he is a good adhar. His psychic being seems to be of an unusually good order, and his other parts of nature are also strong.
Jagatsingh had expressed a desire to see Sri Aurobindo either psychically or physically

Sri Aurobindo: I do not know whether he has got the psychic sight. I mean whether he has developed it and is able to see visions etc. However I shall try. If he can maintain his fight he can see me here.
Moni Lahiri took up yoga and finds peace after he began Sadhana. He used to be very violent and angry.

Sri Aurobindo: That kind of mind takes a long time to come round. I do not think he would be able to complete his progress in this life. He seems to be a man who would take several lives before he could progress. Of course, nothing can be said with certainty because something may turn up and change the whole course of the being.

Disciple: What would such a radical change be due to?

Sri Aurobindo: It would be obviously due to something. It is something going on behind that is responsible for such a change and all the mental reasoning, causes, and other things, that appear with the change, are merely external covers, mere arrangements for working out the thing that is in the background.

Disciple: Is it not due to the Grace of God?

Sri Aurobindo: That is a way of explaining it, though, really speaking, it does not explain anything when you say, “It is divine Grace.”

Disciple: But is there no law governing the Grace?

Sri Aurobindo: You seem to be very constitutional. You must allow God some absolute power!

Disciple: I do, I have no objection to his having absolute power!

Disciple: A great concession to God!

Disciple: What I object to in God is that he is not definite. There must be certain conditions to deserve his Grace!

Sri Aurobindo: That is again merely a way of putting it. You may as well say in Jagatsingh’s case that he deserved it because he made himself fit for it by making mental and other effort.

Disciple: But there must be some reason.

Sri Aurobindo: God may have his own reasons, which are obviously not your mental reasons.

Disciple: But why can’t God be definite?

Sri Aurobindo: If he became definite then all the “maja” — fun — would go.

Disciple: Then you will make a law of it.

Disciple: But in this way God breaks his own laws!

Sri Aurobindo: How do you know that he breaks his own laws? That is why some religions say that there is nothing but “Grace”. God’s Grace is inexplicable. It eludes all mental analysis.


O Mother, I am the instrument

"Who is this that is teaching? What have I read? What do I know? O Mother, I am the instrument [Yantra], Thou art the mover [Yantri]; If am the room, Thou art the tenant; I am the sheath, Thou art the sward; I am the chariot, Thou art the driver; I do as Thou makest me do; I speak as Thou willest me to speak; I behave as Thou, within me, behavest; not I, not I, but Thou."

-Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna


THE LAST DAYS OF MRINALINI DEVI AND SRI AUROBINDO’S LETTER TO HIS FATHER-IN-LAW This is the last of the posts we have published ...