Monday 6 November 2017

Jagatsingh’s illness

🌷 A letter from Nirmal Chand about Jagatsingh’s illness. In reply the following points were mentioned:
1. Improvement in his cancer is encouraging. It shows his receptivity.
2. I had been working on those points where he finds improvement.
3. Where he has failed it is due not to his fault, because the Power that is coming down does not as yet dominate the most material plane.
If Jagatsingh can stand the fight for a long time there is no reason why he should not be cured. It is very difficult to say with certainty what the result would be in such a case, yet I have not given it up as a desperate one. The attitude of samata which he has taken up with regard to the result is absolutely necessary.
In the letter Jagatsingh wrote that the spiritual help was “undeserved.”
Sri Aurobindo: It is never undeserved. It has come to him because he is a good adhar. His psychic being seems to be of an unusually good order, and his other parts of nature are also strong.
Jagatsingh had expressed a desire to see Sri Aurobindo either psychically or physically

Sri Aurobindo: I do not know whether he has got the psychic sight. I mean whether he has developed it and is able to see visions etc. However I shall try. If he can maintain his fight he can see me here.
Moni Lahiri took up yoga and finds peace after he began Sadhana. He used to be very violent and angry.

Sri Aurobindo: That kind of mind takes a long time to come round. I do not think he would be able to complete his progress in this life. He seems to be a man who would take several lives before he could progress. Of course, nothing can be said with certainty because something may turn up and change the whole course of the being.

Disciple: What would such a radical change be due to?

Sri Aurobindo: It would be obviously due to something. It is something going on behind that is responsible for such a change and all the mental reasoning, causes, and other things, that appear with the change, are merely external covers, mere arrangements for working out the thing that is in the background.

Disciple: Is it not due to the Grace of God?

Sri Aurobindo: That is a way of explaining it, though, really speaking, it does not explain anything when you say, “It is divine Grace.”

Disciple: But is there no law governing the Grace?

Sri Aurobindo: You seem to be very constitutional. You must allow God some absolute power!

Disciple: I do, I have no objection to his having absolute power!

Disciple: A great concession to God!

Disciple: What I object to in God is that he is not definite. There must be certain conditions to deserve his Grace!

Sri Aurobindo: That is again merely a way of putting it. You may as well say in Jagatsingh’s case that he deserved it because he made himself fit for it by making mental and other effort.

Disciple: But there must be some reason.

Sri Aurobindo: God may have his own reasons, which are obviously not your mental reasons.

Disciple: But why can’t God be definite?

Sri Aurobindo: If he became definite then all the “maja” — fun — would go.

Disciple: Then you will make a law of it.

Disciple: But in this way God breaks his own laws!

Sri Aurobindo: How do you know that he breaks his own laws? That is why some religions say that there is nothing but “Grace”. God’s Grace is inexplicable. It eludes all mental analysis.


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