Wednesday 14 October 2020

Freedom Fighter Kali Bai

She is freedom fighter Kali Bai. She attained Veergati at age 13.

Kali Bai was born in 1934 in Rastapal village of Dungarpur area of Rajasthan. Teachers in the Dungarpur School (where Kali Bai studied) taught beyond school book syllabus. They narrated stories of British oppression and inculcated in the children feelings of patriotism, nationalism, love for the motherland, and fighting the British. The Magistrate of Dungarpur, employed under British, came to know about this act of the teachers of the school. 

The Dungarpur Magistrate arrived in the school premise and ordered shutting down of the educational establishment. When a teacher Sengabhai protested, the brutal magistrate tied the teacher’s hands and legs with a rope and fixed the rope to his jeep. Besides, when the owner of the school Nana Bhai Khant objected, the magistrate hit him hard on his head with the butt of his gun. Nana Bhai Khant fell unconscious to the ground. Kali bai, meanwhile, witnessed all of these and she suddenly disappeared. 

By the time Kali Bai came running to the school ground with a sickle in hand, the magistrate had already started his jeep and started driving, dragging teacher Sengabhai (tied to the jeep with the rope) behind. Kali Bai immediately rushed towards her teacher and using the sickle cut the rope. She saved the life of her Guru, who was then already injured. This infuriated the magistrate. He immediately shot at Kali Bai; she attained martyrdom at the spot. It was 19th June 1947. 

A few days later, India got freedom.

When the British arrived in India, there were lakhs of Gurukuls (bases were especially temples) across the country and according to a British administered survey, around 63-64 percent of the students comprised of Shudras. British broke this very educational backbone at the roots. This story is one example how British continued with their policy even a few months before they left.

And we are told British civilized India! Another big irony is we celebrate Children's Day in honor of Jawaharlal Nehru! Children's Day should be dedicated to all the children freedom fighters and Dharmic warriors who fought for the motherland and for Dharma.

There are two episodes of children freedom fighters in #SaffronSwords More such episodes will be included in the upcoming volumes of the book.

- Manoshi Sinha.

Info about Kali Bai from 'Balidani Balak' by Harvilas Gupta. Image sourced from

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