Tuesday 10 October 2017

People without Guru don't get Gathi

Q: Gurudev It is said that you meet your Guru first after death and one who does not have a Guru will not get mukti.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yes. This is a belief. Guru is one who has his reach in both worlds. In this world and the other world. One will be called as Guru only when he has his reach in the world here and world after. So those who have a Guru are like special guests.

Like When a special guest comes for a function, gets special treatment, when those who have a Guru leaves this world, are taken care in the other worlds as well. In these worlds, there are devathas who take care of the souls that arrive. Since these devathas are worshipper of Guru Principles, they value the person who has a Guru and escort them there. These devathas have their own Gathi, thats why they say that people without Guru doesn't get Gathi.

The way a child before it is born lives in its mother's womb for 9 months, similarly after death the soul remain in pret yoni for 9 days and after that they become pitru. This rule doesn't apply to saints. This is ancient science. Our ancestors were so intelligent that they designed the rituals based on all these facts and knowledge.

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