Tuesday 11 April 2023


🌷Que-Ans :Kalyanmitra S N Goenka  ji🌷

1) जब हम अपनी भावनाओ को प्रकट न करके दबा देतें है तो क्या होता है?

गुरूजी :दमन(supression) क्या है? भावनाओ को चेतन चित्त से हटाकर अचेतन मन(unconscios mind)में धकेल देना ही उसे दबा देना है। 

अचेतन मन में वह उसी तरह से काम किये जा रही है। बाहर तो हमने प्रकट नहीं किया, गुस्से को दबा दिया; भीतर तो उसी प्रकार गुस्से के संस्कार बनाये जा रहे है, इसलिए दमन भी हानिकारक(harmful) है।

और उसे छूट दे दी, गुस्से को प्रकट कर दिया तो सारे वातावरण को बिगाड़ दिया। कितनो को दुःखी बना दिया।

इसलिए दोनों ही हानिकारक है।

🌻 इसलिए देखो।

गुस्सा आया तो उसे देखो।इसे देखने की विद्या में जितने पकते जाओगे, देखेंगे अपने लिए भी सुख शांति, दुसरो को भी बहुत सुख शांति। स्वभाव बदल गया, व्यव्हार बदल गया। जीवन सुख शांति से भरपूर हो गया।


🌷Que-Ans :Kalyanmitra S N Goenka  ji🌷

1) I feel that our emotions can be teachers, that we can learn from our anger or our sadness. What is the view of Vipassana on this?

SNG :  Emotions by themselves do not make us miserable. If we can learn how to observe our emotions, we come out of misery and therefore learn something from them. But if we allow ourselves to be overpowered by these emotions then we suffer. 

One thing Vipassana teaches us is this: Emotion will arise; let me observe it objectively. “Look, this is an emotion: anger or sadness,” or this or that. “Along with this let me observe what sensation is on the body. Ah, this sensation is impermanent. Let me see how long it lasts.” 

This is how we come out of our suffering.

🌷2) Vipassana focuses on the internal reality. That’s fine, but what about the external reality that really causes a great deal of suffering? What use is Vipassana in dealing with the real pain of the world?

SNG : Understand, Vipassana is not an escape from the problems of day-to-day life. 

One comes to a course for ten days to learn the technique of Vipassana and gain strength to face the problems of the outside world—just as you might go to a hospital to become physically healthy, and then leave to live healthily in the world. 

Similarly, when you learn to use this technique of observing the reality inside, you can face the problems outside more easily. 

It is not that by the practice of Vipassana all the problems will disappear; but rather, your ability to face them will improve. The problems of the outside world are created by individuals living in the darkness of ignorance. Just as lighting one lamp will dispel the darkness around it, similarly, one person practicing Vipassana will affect society. 

If more people practice Vipassana, slowly this will start having a positive influence in the world. 

Even if only this one person is practicing Vipassana at least he or she will be able to face the problems and find solutions. 

And those solutions will be healthy solutions.

(Vipassana International Newsletter. September 92.)



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अफजल खां का वध

20 नवम्बर, 1659 ई. - अफजल खां का वध :- बीजापुर की तरफ से अफजल खां को छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के खिलाफ भेजा गया। अफजल खां 10 हज़ार क...