Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Is it a trifle to give initiation?

Once, on hearing from the Holy Mother, that she would pass away soon, a devotee felt much dejected, thinking that he would be helpless after her time. To encourage him she said: “Do you think, that even if this body passes away, I can have any release, unless every one of those, whose responsibility I have taken on myself, is out of bondage? I must constantly live with them. I have taken complete charge of everything, good or bad, regarding them. Is it a trifle to give initiation? What a tremendous responsibility have we to accept! How much anxiety have we to suffer for them! Just see! Your father is dead, and that at once made me feel worried about you. I thought: “How is it that the Master is again putting him to test?” That you may come out of this ordeal is my constant prayer. For this reason I gave you all this advice. Can you understand everything I say? If you could do so, that would lighten my worries to a great extent. Sri Ramakrishna is playing with his different children in diverse ways, but I have to bear the brunt of it. I cannot simply set aside those, whom I have accepted as my own”.

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi
(Swami Tapasyananda “Sri Sarada Devi – The Holy Mother: Her Life and Conversations”, Book II, Ch. XXII, Conversations – Third Series, Spiritual Practices in General, “From the Diaries of Several Disciples, Monastic and Lay”, pp. 554-5)

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अफजल खां का वध

20 नवम्बर, 1659 ई. - अफजल खां का वध :- बीजापुर की तरफ से अफजल खां को छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के खिलाफ भेजा गया। अफजल खां 10 हज़ार क...