Thursday 25 May 2017

Mother of All - Sarada Ma

Mother of All

Holy Mother could see inside human beings and knew their potential. Jnana [later Swami Jnanananda] was a daredevil vagabond boy of East Bengal who came to Calcutta. He knew Arupananda and through him went to bow down to the Mother in Udbodhan House. After some months he went to Jayarambati and met her there. She received this youth and asked him to stay at her place. Jnan recalled:

"One afternoon the Mother asked me, 'Jnan, do you go to bathe in the Amodar River?' 'Yes I do ,' I replied. The Mother than said: 'Tomorrow you go a little early in the morning for your bath. There is a yellow flowering tree on the bank of the river. Collect a basket of flowers from that tree for the Master's worship.' Saying, 'All right Mother,' I went back to my room with the basket. The next morning when I went to the Mother with the flowers, she sat for worship in front of the Master 's picture. She signaled to me to sit on an asana next to her. I sat there quietly. After finishing her worship, she asked me to come a little closer and she gave me a mantra and a few spiritual instructions. Pointing to the Master's picture, she said, 'Bow down to him'

As I was obstinate by nature, I argued: 'Why should I bow down to him? I don't know him.' The Mother looked at me and commended sternly; 'I say bow down to him. You don't know him? He is all in all. He is the teacher of the universe - the guru of all beings.' Again I protested: 'How can he be my guru? You have given me the mantra, so you are my guru.' Interrupting me, the Mother said: 'I am no one's guru. I am the Mother of all. He is the only guru.' Again I said: 'How can you be my mother? My mother is at home and she is still alive.' ' I am that Mother,' she said. 'Look at me closely. See whether I am that mother of yours or not.' Stupefied, I saw that my biological mother was seated in front of me. My body was thrilled with awe. I fell at her feet, saying, 'Mother, Mother!' All my arguments ceased and I surrendered at her feet forever. She gave me this knowledge: that she was not only the mantra-guru, she was my own mother, the Mother of All Beings, and the Mother of the Universe."

-Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play

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