Sunday 14 May 2017

One needs Sadhana - Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa

Master: “One needs Sadhana. Mere study of the scriptures will not do. I noticed, that though Vidyasagar had no doubt read a great deal, he had not realized, what was inside him; he was satisfied with helping boys get their education, but had not tasted the Bliss of God. What will mere study accomplish? How little one assimilates! The almanac may forecast twenty measures of rain; but you don't get a drop by squeezing its pages".

Mahima: "We have so many duties in the world. Where is the time for Sadhana?"

Master: “Why should you say such a thing? It is you, who describe the world as illusory, like a dream.

Rama and Lakshmana wanted to go to Ceylon. But the ocean was before them. Lakshmana was angry. Taking his bow and arrow, he said: “I shall kill Varuna. This ocean prevents our going to Ceylon”. Rama explained the matter to him, saying: “Lakshmana, all that you are seeing is unreal, like a dream. The ocean is unreal. Your anger is also unreal. It is equally unreal to think of destroying one unreal thing by means of another””.

Mahimacharan kept quiet. He had many duties in the world. He had lately started a school to help others. …

A devotee: "Sir, what is the way for worldly people?"

Master: "The company of holy men. Worldly people should listen to spiritual talk. They are in a state of madness, intoxicated with “woman and gold”. A drunkard should be given rice-water as an antidote. Drinking it slowly, he gradually recovers his normal consciousness.

A worldly person should also receive instructions from a sadguru, a real teacher. Such a teacher has certain signs. You should hear about Benares only from a man, who has been to Benares and seen it. Mere book-learning will not do. One should not receive instruction from a pundit, who has not realized the world to be unreal. Only, if a pundit has discrimination and renunciation, is he entitled to instruct”.

Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna
(“The Gospel of Ramakrishna” translated by Swami Nikhilananda, V2, “At Ram’s House”, Saturday, May 25, 1885)

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