Saturday 13 May 2017

You no longer call me “my child”

Dear Mother,

You no longer call me “my child”? Am I so bad and unworthy? Mother, I believe that I am doing all I can and if I still cannot be good, what is to be done?

Yes, I know I am not what I was before.

I did not mean anything by not writing “my child” on the little note I sent you this afternoon.

I was in a big hurry and I wrote as few words as possible.

Of course I miss the time when you were truly the eternal little smile, spontaneously and effortlessly, when you felt satisfied with your work, happy to be near me, and trusting and simple enough not to put a false interpretation on all I do.

Who has poured this poison of doubt and dissatisfaction into your heart?

Who has taken away at once your happiness, your simple joy of life and your beautiful smile which was a pleasure to see?

I don’t ask the question in order to get an answer from you, for I think that I know it; it is only so you may understand that I don’t hold you responsible for this change which has come over you from outside.

Now there is only one way open, the way of progress — since it is impossible to go backward, you must go forward and what was merely instinctive must now become conscious and willed.

And never doubt my affection, which is always with you to help you make this indispensable progress.

The Mother, Some Answers from The Mother, Vol. 16.

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