Friday 29 April 2022

Come Unto Me

Come Unto Me
(Language was not a barrier in Holy Mother's spiritual ministry.)

Sorab Modi* related his reminiscences to Swami Niramayananda:

It was 1918. I was then a young man. My elder brother was a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna and from him I first heard about Sri Sarada Devi. My brother sent me from Bombay to Calcutta to meet Holy Mother. After arriving in Calcutta, I went to Baghbazar to see the Mother, who was then very ill. I had heard that no devotees were allowed to see her. I bowed down to Swami Saradananda and said: "I have come from Bombay to see the Mother and I want initiation from her." Observing my passionate appeal, his mind softened. He asked a monk to escort me to the Mother and asked me to seek blessings from her. After bowing down to the Mother, I expressed my desire for initiation. Out of compassion she immediately initiated me. Although she did not understand my language and I also did not know Bengali, we communicated well without any difficulty. The Mother spoke in Bengali and I answered in Hindi. While taking leave from her, I said, "Mother, I am going." The Mother said: "My son, don't say 'I am going,' rather say, 'I am coming.'" When the Mother's attendant translated her words to me into English, I was amazed. I was unaware of the Bengali custom that one should speak that way while leaving. However, I returned to Bombay with a sweet memory of the Mother. She was wonderful and beautiful.

Thus many years have passed and now I am an old man. I almost forgot the Mother all these years (as I was busy with the movie industry). Now I am waiting for the call from above and that call can come at any time. I have no attraction for this world anymore. Now the forgotten Mother is coming to my mind again and again. Now those words of hers - "My son, don't say 'I am going,' rather say, 'I am coming.'" - are ringing in my ears.Now I realize what was then inscrutable to me: I wanted to go away form the Mother but could not succeed. No one can go away from the Mother. Everyone will have to return to the Mother. This is the last realization of my life: I am coming to my Mother.

*Sorab Modi later  became a famous actor and director of Hindi films in Bombay

-Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play, P.484

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अफजल खां का वध

20 नवम्बर, 1659 ई. - अफजल खां का वध :- बीजापुर की तरफ से अफजल खां को छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के खिलाफ भेजा गया। अफजल खां 10 हज़ार क...