Monday 4 April 2022

Sri Ramakrishna meets Trailanga Swami at Varanasi

Sri Ramakrishna meets Trailanga Swami at Varanasi:

"I found in him (Trailanga Swami) the living manifestation of Vishwanath. Varanasi was sanctified and made vibrant by his presence. He was in an exalted state of knowledge. He had no body-consciousness: The sand there gets so hot in the sun that no one can walk on it, but he lay on it comfortably. I cooked rice pudding and brought it with me to feed him. At that time he couldn't speak to me because he had taken a vow of silence. So I asked him by signs whether God was one or many. He replied in the same manner, indicating that God is known to be one when a person enters into the state of samadhi; but as long as there is any consciousness of I,  you, jiva, and the world, God is perceived as many. I pointed to him and told Hriday, 'In him you see the condition of a true knower of Brahman.'"

-Sri Ramakrishna

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अफजल खां का वध

20 नवम्बर, 1659 ई. - अफजल खां का वध :- बीजापुर की तरफ से अफजल खां को छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के खिलाफ भेजा गया। अफजल खां 10 हज़ार क...