Sunday 29 May 2022


💥 क्या गायत्रीमंत्र साधना से स्त्रियों को वंचित रखना चाहिए ? 

👉 कदापि नहीं.... 

🔷 गायत्रीमंत्र ईश्वर की सर्वोत्तम प्रार्थना है और ईश्वर की प्रार्थना से वंचित रखना कदापि उचित नहीं है। माँ गायत्री की गोद समभाव से स्त्री और पुरुष, दोनों के लिए उपलब्ध है। माँ गायत्री परम कल्याणकारी हैँ और हृदय वातसल्य से परिपूर्ण है। अपनी गोद में चढने वाली संतान को कभी निराश नहीं करती हैँ। 

🔶 गायत्रीमंत्र की उपासना द्वारा स्त्रियां अपने पतियों को सुधार सकती हैं। गायत्री उपासना द्वारा पतियों के बुरे आचरण और स्वभाव, कुसंग, व्याभिचार, इत्यादि को सुधारा जा सकता है। अभिमंत्रित इलायची और जल के 'विधिवत' प्रयोग से पुरुषों के झगड़ालू, निष्ठुर व रूखे स्वभाव को मधुरभाषी, सद्भावी, स्नेहमयी, इत्यादि में परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है। गायत्री मंत्र की उपासना से घर को स्वर्ग तुल्य बनाकर आनन्दमयी जीवन व्यतीत किया जा सकता है। 

🔷 गायत्रीमंत्र की उपासना करने वाली गर्भस्थ स्त्रियों की संतान बुद्धिमान, तेजोमयी,विवेकवान, इत्यादि गुणों से सुसज्जित होती है। संतान को दुग्धपान करवाते समय यदि गायत्रीमंत्र की उपासना की जाए तो दूध अमृतमयी बन जाता है और संतान के शरीर और मन को शुद्ध बनाने का कार्य करता है। संतान को निरोगी, हंसमुख, तेजस्वी, दीर्घायु ,इत्यादि बनाने में गायत्रीमंत्र की साधना रामबाण का कार्य करती है। अभिमंत्रित जल व इलायची के विधिवत उपयोग से गर्भस्थ स्त्रियां समाज/देश/जगत को संस्कारी संतान प्रदान कर पुनः सतयुग की स्थापना में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दे सकती हैँ। 

🔶 प्रारब्ध के कठोर विधानों के प्रकोप को गायत्रीमंत्र की उपासना द्वारा कम किया जा सकता है। अभिमंत्रित जल के विधिवत प्रयोग से घर में व्याप्त नकारात्मक ऊर्जा के प्रभाव को निष्क्रिय किया जा सकता है। गायत्री माँ कामधेनु के समान मन इच्छित फल देने वाली हैँ। गायत्री माता का आश्रय लेना सब प्रकार से उत्तम है। गायत्रीमंत्र की उपासना से यदि उक्त आध्यात्मिक लाभ प्राप्य होते हैं तो महागायत्री उपासना से....🙏 


        ज़रूरत नहीं मुझको किसी तख्त ए ताऊस की
      पसंद आ गई है मुझको शागिर्दी गुरु महाराज की 


On Phalaharini-Kali Puja

On Phalaharini-Kali Puja.
Phala Harini means one who eats up the results, the Karma-phalas, of all the karmas done in the worshipper’s past and present lives and grants him Mukti, liberation from Samsara. 

Puja or worship means complete self-surrender.

On the night of the 5th of June, 1872,  Sri Ramakrishna worshipped the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and invoked the Divine Mother of the Universe in her. 

Here is the description.

(A.D. May 25, 1873) had elapsed. It was the new-moon day, the holy occasion for the worship of the Phalaharini Kali Devi. 

It was the day of a special festival at the Dakshineswar temple. 

The Master had made special preparations on that day with a view to worshipping the Mother of the universe. 

Having finished the nocturnal service and worship of Radha-Govinda, the first priest, Dinu, came to help the Master in the preparations. 

It was 9 p.m. when all the preparations for the mystery-worship of the Devi were completed. 

In the meantime, the Master had sent word to the Holy Mother to be present during the worship. 

She came to the room and the Master started the worship.

The Master sprinkled consecrated water on the Holy Mother and worshipped her

The Master beckoned to the Holy Mother to sit on the wooden seat decorated with Alimpana. 

While witnessing the worship, the Holy Mother had already entered into a divine semiconscious state. 

Not clearly conscious, therefore, of what she was doing, she, like one charmed with Mantras, sat facing north to the right of the Master, who was seated with his face to the east. 

According to scriptural injunctions the Master sprinkled the Holy Mother repeatedly with the water purified by Mantras from the pitcher placed before him. 

He then uttered the Mantra in her hearing and then recited the prayer:
“O Lady, O Mother Tripurasundari, who art the controller of all powers, open the door to perfection; purify her (the Holy Mother’s) body and mind, manifest Thyself in her and be beneficent.”
Sri Ramakrishna went into Samadhi at the end of the worship. He offered Japa, worship, etc., at the feet of the Devi

The Holy Mother also lost normal consciousness and went into Samadhi. The Master too uttering Mantras in the semiconscious state, entered into complete Samadhi. 

The worshipper in Samadhi became perfectly identified and united with the Devi in Samadhi.

A long time passed. Returning to the semiconscious state again, he offered himself to the Devi. 

He now gave away for ever at the lotus feet of the Devi his all—the results of his Sadhanas, his rosary etc.— along with his self, and saluted her uttering the Mantras:
“O Thou, auspiciousness of all auspicious things, O doer of all actions, O refuge, O three-eyed One, O Thou fair-complexioned spouse of Siva, O Narayani, I bow down to Thee, I bow down to Thee.”
The worship was at an end. The Master’s Sadhana reached its culmination with the worship of the Ruler of the universe, the divine Mother in the body of a woman, the embodiment of spiritual knowledge itself; the god-man attained perfection in all respects.

By invoking the Universal Mother, and offering all the results of his life-long Sadhana, Sri Ramakrishna made Holy Mother the Universal Mother.

Since that time Sri Sarada Devi became the Trustee and distributor of Sri Ramakrishna’s powers for all his future children.

On this Sacred Day may Sri Ramakrishna and Holy Mother bless us all with Bhakti and Jnana.

Photo 1: Mother in the Dakhshineshwar Kali temple.

2: Jairambati

3: Baghbazaar

4: Nilambar Babu house

5: Belur Math.

Jai Maa

Vivekananda’s View of Holy Mother

Vivekananda’s View of Holy Mother 
One can know God only by His grace and not by means of austerity, or by japa and meditation. Grace dawns upon those, who are endowed with purity and renunciation, humility and unselfishness, devotion and passionate yearning. Swami Vivekananda recognized Holy Mother’s divinity long before he left for the West. From America he wrote to his brother disciples about Holy Mother: 

“You have not yet realized how precious Mother is. People will not understand her now, but they will, gradually. Brother, there will be no Salvation of the world without the help of the Divine Power. ... Why is it that our country is the weakest and most backward of all countries? Because Shakti is held in dishonour here. Without the grace of Shakti nothing will be accomplished. What do I find in America and Europe? The worship of Shakti, the worship of Power. Yet they worship Her ignorantly, through sense gratification. Imagine then what a lot of good they will achieve, when they worship Her with purity, looking upon Her as then Mother! I am coming to understand things every day, my insight is opening out more and more. ... Let Ramakrishna disappear, that does not frighten me. But it will be a calamity, if people forget Mother. ... 

Don’t be angry with me. None of you has understood Mother. Her grace upon me is one hundred thousand times greater than that of the Master. … About Mother I am a little fanatic. I can do anything, if she gives the order. I shall give a sigh of relief, when you purchase a piece of land and install this living Durga there. ... Brother, when I think of Mother, I say to myself: “Who is this Ramakrishna?” I say this because of my fanaticism. Whether Ramakrishna was God or man, you may say whatever you like. But, Brother, shame upon him, who is not devoted to Mother!” …

By Holy Mother’s grace, Swamiji realized her true nature. Once he remarked at Belur Math: “Mother is the incarnation of Bagala* in the guise of Saraswati. Outwardly she is all peace, but inwardly she is the destroyer of evil”. 

Once Vivekananda and Turiyananda went to Visit Holy Mother in Calcutta. In the boat from Belur Math, Turiyananda noticed that Vivekananda was drinking the muddy Ganges water. He warned him: “Swamiji, you will become sick”. 

Swamiji replied: “No, brother, I am afraid, when I visit Holy Mother. Our minds are not pure enough, so I am purifying my mind by drinking Ganges water”. Swamiji was afraid that Holy Mother would absorb his impurities and suffer.

(* Bagala represents one of the terrible aspects of the Divine Power, as the slayer of a fierce demon, and Saraswati represents wisdom.)

(Swami Chetanananda “Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play”, Vedanta Society of St. Louis 2015, Ch. 13 “Holy Mother and Vivekananda”, pp. 199-200, 209)

Saturday 28 May 2022

Shodashi Puja - Sri Ramakrishna

Shodashi Puja - Sri Ramakrishna

According to Tantra, the Divine Mother has ten forms: Kali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvaneswari, Bhairvi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagala, Matangi, and Kamala. Shodashi is also called Rajrajeshwari and Tripurasundari. According to the 'Lalitha-sahasra-nama', Shodashi is the most benign and purest form of the Divine Mother. One can worship this deity in a clay image or in a young girl about the age of 16. According to the 'Narada Pancharatra', one day Kali became mad at Shiva and took the form of Shodashi - literally, a 16-year-old girl and a paragon of beauty. The Divine Mother takes various forms according to time and situation. Creation, preservation, and destruction are all Her play. When killing demons, she takes a destructive form, but She assumes a benign form for Her devotees.

On 5 June 1872, the night of Phalaharini Kali Puja, Ramakrishna worshipped Shodashi, the third form of the Divine Mother, in Sarada. Years before, he had begun his sadhana by worshipping, 'Adyashakti', or the Primordial Power, in the image of Bhavatarani Kali of Dakshineswar. Finally, on that new moon night in 1872, he worshipped the same Adyashakti in the living form of Sarada. Thus he completed his sadhana by offering to her the results of all his spiritual practices.

This important event awakened Sarada's divinity, manifested his own spiritual relationship with Sarada, and made clear the role she would play in the future. By performing the Shodashi Puja, Ramakrishna signified that the Adyashakti had taken form as Sarada Devi.

[The short meditation mantra of the Goddess Shodashi is:

'Balarka-mandala bhasam chatur-bahum trilochanam;
Pasha-ankusha-sharan-chapam dharayantin shivam shraye. 

The worship mantra of Shodashi is:

‌"Hring tripurasundaryai namah"] 

-Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play

स्पिरिचुअल हीलर

स्पिरिचुअल हीलर

स्वामीजी में एक बार ऐसी शक्ति आ गई थी कि वे इच्छा मात्र से ही रोग दूर कर सकते थे परंतु अपनी इस शक्ति से अवगत होकर भी वे उसे शायद ही कभी उपयोग में लाते थे इसलिए इसके विषय में उतनी जानकारियां नहीं हैं। इस विषय में उनकी जीवनी में केवल इतना ही लिखा है कि एक अमेरिकी महिला पर द्रवित होकर उन्होंने उसके 'हे फीवर' नामक बुखार को दूर कर दिया था। काफी दिनों बाद उक्त महिला ने स्वामीजी के एक शिष्य को पत्र लिखकर, घटना का इस प्रकार वर्णन किया था:--
"अपने एक मित्र के घर रहते समय मुझे बुखार हो गया। वह एक बड़े ही भयंकर किस्म का बुखार था ।मुझे पीड़ा से छटपटाते देखकर स्वामीजी ने पूछा ; तुम्हारी बीमारी दूर कर दूं? मैंने कहा यदि ऐसा कर सकें तो यह बड़े आनंद की बात होगी। यह बात सुनने के बाद वे मेरे सामने आ बैठे और मेरे दोनों हाथों को अपनी हथेली पर रखने को कहा। मेरे ऐसा कहने पर वे आंखें मूंदकर स्थिर भाव से बैठे रहे। धीरे-धीरे उनके दोनों हाथ शीतल होने लगे और ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ कि वे काठ के समान कठोर हो गए हैं। कुछ देर बाद उन्होंने आंखें खोलकर देखा और तेजी से घर से बाहर निकल गये। इसके साथ ही मैंने विस्मयपूर्वक देखा कि मेरा ज्वर बिल्कुल ही चला गया है।

20 मई 1894 को, स्वामी सारदानंद को लिखे पत्र में स्वामीजी ने कहा था:-"तुमसे एक अचरज की बात कहूं---
जब कभी तुम लोगों में से कोई बीमार हो जाए तो वह स्वयं अथवा तुममें से कोई उसकी मूर्ति का मन ही मन अच्छी तरह ध्यान करे और साथ ही सोचे 'वह निरोग है ,उसे कोई बीमारी नहीं'। देखोगे कि वह शीघ्र ही आरोग्यलाभ करेगा। अस्वस्थ व्यक्ति को बिना बताए भी तुम ऐसा कर सकते हो और हजार कोस दूर से भी यह क्रिया की जा सकती है।इसे याद रखना।"

 स्वामीजी के भाई 'महेंद्रनाथ दत्त' अपनी पढ़ाई के दिनों में लंदन में रहते थे ।उन्होंने अपनी पुस्तक 'लंदने विवेकानंद' नामक बांग्ला ग्रंथ में लिखा है कि, स्वामीजी ने चिंतनशक्ति के द्वारा एक बार उनका बुखार भी ठीक किया था।अब तो यह शक्ति पराभौतिकी की दृष्टि से 'स्पिरिचुअल हीलिंग' के रूप में स्वीकार की जा रही है।

Thursday 26 May 2022

Those, who seek Nirvana, are selfish and small-minded

Sri Ramakrishna: "Those, who seek Nirvana, are selfish and small-minded. They are full of fear. They are like those parcheesi players, who are always eager to reach home. An amateur player, once he sends his piece home, doesn't like to bring it out again. Such players are unskilled. But an adept player is never afraid of coming out again, if by doing so he gets the opportunity to capture an opponent. Then he rolls the right number and returns home once more. It seems that whenever he rolls the dice, the right number comes up for him. So do not fear. Play without any fear".

I asked: "Does it actually happen?"

The Master replied: "Of course it happens. By Mother's grace everything takes place. 
Mother likes people to play. Take the game of hide-and-seek (there is a 'granny', there is a 'thief', who is blindfolded, and there are children trying to escape being caught by the 'thief'). The 'granny' likes to have the children run about and make the game go on. She may extend her hand to help a child so he will not be caught by the 'thief', if she thinks it necessary. Similarly, the Divine Mother is not really pleased with those, who seek Nirvana, for they want to retire from the game. She wants the game to continue. That is why devotees do not seek Nirvana. They say: "O mind, it is not good to become sugar. I want to eat sugar".

Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna
(Swami Chetanananda "Ramakrishna: As We Saw Him", Swami Turiyananda, p. 190)

Wednesday 25 May 2022



When people criticise Aurangzeb for being an intolerant ruler, one who persecuted the 'polytheistic' Hindu and his false idolatrous, 'polytheistic' religion which included the imposition of the jaziya, mass conversion by force and inducement, the destruction of 1800 temples including the major Hindu shrines at Mathura and Varanasi, the brutal execution of Guru Tegh Bahadurji for his refusal to convert to Islam, the burying alive of two minor sons of Guru Gobind Singhji and the treacherous assassination of the tenth Sikh Guru himself, why do they not understand that through the perpetraton of all these dastardly deeds he was all along only being a committed, true Muslim, one who was following the precepts of Islam as enshrined in the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sira with fidelity and precision? People should remember Aurangzeb as the exemplar of the real Islam which mandates the conversion of the kafir (infidel in the eyes of Islam) or the penalty of death should he refuse, the destruction of worshipped idols, the houses of such worship (Hindu temples in this case), plunder and molestation of the infidel, the taxation of the Jew and the Christian in dar-ul-Islam (the realm of Islam) and by default that of the Hindus in Hindustan to facilitate their easy subjugation in the cause of Islam. Aurangzeb killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Hindus as per the mandate of his divine scripture. So, how can you label him as the originator of the dastardly destruction of the kafir? As a devout Muslim he was merely carrying out the scriptural injunctions that bound him theologically. 

Seek the source-cause of this Hindu genocide in India at the hands of Islamic invaders and rulers instead of superficially attempting to understand its causes which will only hide the core content of the doctrine that impelled it and continues to do so till date. Study the source books and you will get to realise why Aurangzeb, Shah Jahan, Jahangir, Akbar, Babur, the Lodhis, the Sayeeds, the Tughlaqs, the Khilijis, the Slave rulers and generals like Qutub-ud-Din Aibak and Bakhtiyar Khilji, their plundering, persecuting, murderous predecessors in Muhammad Ghori, Mahmud of Ghazni, Taimur Lung (Tamer Lane) and Muhammad Bin Qasim, and their latter-day successors like Nadir Shah, Ahmad Shah Abdali, Tipu Sultan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Hussein Shah Suhrawardy and others of this brutal brigade behaved the way they did. Why blame Aurangzeb alone? Blame the whole lot but forget not the source-cause that fuelled it. Study Sir Jadunath Sarkar and you will stand aghast and illumined as to what for 1300 years your forefathers had to undergo at the hands of these barbarians and their intolerant exclusive philosophy of life and death which had all but snuffed out the life of Hindu civilisation but for its intrinsic inner strength. Aurangzeb was but the climactic culprit in this serial oppression of Hindus that lasted 1300 years and continues to plague them even today all over the Indian subcontinent wherever they are a minority.

Seek not the superficial solution to this pernicious problem in the symptom but seek it in depth right at the source. It is a doctrinaire disease and it cannot be solved by superficial treatment. The symptoms are but the effects of the underlying source-cause that goes unheeded owing to political considerations. So, the disease persists and continues to plague humanity still. Aurangzebs are yet arising in a different garb owing to mass subscription to this intolerant philosophy. Here lies the ideological battle, the war of words, the titanic struggle to reorient brainwashed humanity to rational, humanistic existence where Man displaces a divisive God of unforgiving disposition.

All is not lost. If tribal populations historically initiated tribal cults, civilised people can in course of time duly replace them. It may take a bit of time, perhaps a few more generations but progress in that direction is the evolutionary imperative. If Hindus have suffered between 80 and 100 million deaths at the edge of the sword of Islam, it will be the Hindus who will deluge the world with the lofty spirituality of the Vedas. History will seek vengeance on behalf of the Hindus as the Sanatan Dharma eventually replaced all irrational, dated, intolerant cults and unites the world in a common bond of universal oneness. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

Monday 23 May 2022

“नर्मदा नदी के हर पत्थर में है शिव, आखिर क्यों ?

“नर्मदा नदी के हर पत्थर में है शिव, आखिर क्यों ?”
नर्मदेश्वर शिवलिंग के सम्बन्ध में एक धार्मिक कथा है –भारतवर्ष में गंगा, यमुना, नर्मदा और सरस्वती ये चार नदियां सर्वश्रेष्ठ हैं। इनमें भी इस भूमण्डल पर गंगा की समता करने वाली कोई नदी नहीं है। प्राचीनकाल में नर्मदा नदी ने बहुत वर्षों तक तपस्या करके ब्रह्माजी को प्रसन्न किया। प्रसन्न होकर ब्रह्माजी ने वर मांगने को कहा। तब नर्मदाजी ने कहा–’ब्रह्मन्! यदि आप मुझ पर प्रसन्न हैं तो मुझे गंगाजी के समान कर दीजिए।’ब्रह्माजी ने मुस्कराते हुए कहा–’यदि कोई दूसरा देवता भगवान शिव की बराबरी कर ले, कोई दूसरा पुरुष भगवान विष्णु के समान हो जाए, कोई दूसरी नारी पार्वतीजी की समानता कर ले और कोई दूसरी नगरी काशीपुरी की बराबरी कर सके तो कोई दूसरी नदी भी गंगा के समान हो सकती है। ब्रह्माजी की बात सुनकर नर्मदा उनके वरदान का त्याग करके काशी चली गयीं और वहां पिलपिलातीर्थ में शिवलिंग की स्थापना करके तप करने लगीं। भगवान शंकर उन पर बहुत प्रसन्न हुए और वर मांगने के लिए कहा। तब नर्मदा ने कहा–’भगवन्! तुच्छ वर मांगने से क्या लाभ? बस आपके चरणकमलों में मेरी भक्ति बनी रहे। नर्मदा की बात सुनकर भगवान शंकर बहुत प्रसन्न हो गए और बोले–’नर्मदे! तुम्हारे तट पर जितने भी प्रस्तरखण्ड (पत्थर) हैं, वे सब मेरे वर से शिवलिंगरूप हो जाएंगे। गंगा में स्नान करने पर शीघ्र ही पाप का नाश होता है, यमुना सात दिन के स्नान से और सरस्वती तीन दिन के स्नान से सब पापों का नाश करती हैं, परन्तु तुम दर्शनमात्र से सम्पूर्ण पापों का निवारण करने वाली होगी। तुमने जो नर्मदेश्वर शिवलिंग की स्थापना की है, वह पुण्य और मोक्ष देने वाला होगा।’ भगवान शंकर उसी लिंग में लीन हो गए। इतनी पवित्रता पाकर नर्मदा भी प्रसन्न हो गयीं। इसलिए कहा जाता है–‘नर्मदा का हर कंकर शंकर है।

हर हर महादेव.. 🙏

Saturday 21 May 2022


🚩Shree MahaLakshmi Temple, Mumbai is one of the oldest temples in the city. It is dedicated to Goddess MahaLakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. It is a seaside Temple along the shores of the Arabian Sea.

🚩The Temple also has the Vigrahas of Goddess MahaKali and Goddess MahaSaraswati. All the three Murtis are adorned with gold bangles, pearl necklaces and nose rings. Within the Gabhara, the Vigrahas of the Goddesses, MahaLakshmi, MahaKali and MahaSaraswati are ornamented with jewels and flowers. The thrones too are covered in silver, adorned with intricate carvings.

🚩According to the records, MahaLakshmi Temple was constructed around 1761-1771 CE. It is believed that people immersed the Vigrahas of MahaLakshmi, MahaKali and MahaSaraswati in the sea near Worli, to keep them safe from the invaders. Later, during British rule, Lord Hornby wanted to connect Worli and Malabar Hill. However, even after multiple trials, the team of engineers and technicians failed because of the sea waves.

🚩Then, one night, Goddess MahaLakshmi appeared in the dream of the lead engineer, Shri Ramji Shivji Prabhu. She asked him to fish out the Vigrahas from the sea and place them on the hillock to complete the project without any trouble.

🚩The team did so. The engineer also promised the Goddess that he will build a temple on the hillock and put those Vigrahas there. So, when the project was completed, Shri Ramji Shivji Prabhu took land from the British government and constructed the MahaLakshmi Temple.


𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬 @𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦, 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 & 𝐊𝐨𝐨

Thursday 19 May 2022


One of the greatest, if not the greatest, books on Swamiji was written by his youngest brother, Bhupendranath Datta, a revolutionary, a socialist, a Brahmo by early adoption, an anthropologist and a scholar par excellence, one who lived for the freedom of the motherland and served several sentences in jail, made his mother, Bhuvaneshwari Devi, proud by his patriotic commitment, and finally lived his old age till his death in 1961 in dire poverty, his bare means of survival being provided by a handful of devoted followers. 

Bhupendranath Datta's epic work titled 'Swami Vivekananda Patriot-Prophet' remains a seminal composition on one of the greatest human phenomena that has ever been. He admired deeply his elder brother (Vivekananda) and thought that the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission including Swamiji's own brother disciples scarce understood him to any great depth of sociological clarity, a view in alternate terms which even the Swami held till his very last day on earth. Forget not that on his last earthly day Swamiji mused to himself what Baburam Maharaj (Swami Premananda) overheard from behind him, "What this Vivekananda has given, it will take another Vivekananda to come and realise its import. And, yet, in the coming ages countless such Vivekanandas will be born."

Golden-wombed Bhuvaneshwari Devi, who mothered Narendranath, Mohendranath and Bhupendranath, deserves our eternal gratitude and holiest reverence. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Do Not Forget The Mother's Name

Do Not Forget The Mother's Name 

Master said:

"Some people pride themselves on their riches and power - their wealth, honour, and social position. But these are transitory. Nothing will remain with you in death. 

There is a song that runs:

Remember this, O mind! Nobody is your own:
Vain is your wandering in this world. 
Trapped in the subtle snare of maya as you are, 
Do not forget the Mother's name. 
Only a day or two men honour you on earth 
As lord and master; all too soon 
That form, so honoured now, must needs be cast away, 
When Death, the Master, seizes you. 
Even your beloved wife, for whom, while yet you live, 
You fret yourself almost to death, 
Will not go with you then; she too will say farewell, 
And shun your corpse as an evil thing. 

-Mahendra Nath Gupta 
The Recorder of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

सही माने में बुद्ध जयंती कैसे मनाये

🌷 सही माने में बुद्ध जयंती कैसे मनाये 🌷 

प्रिय ईश्वरचंद, सप्रेम मंगलकामना ।
( दि. 9-4-1977) 

✍ हम शील, समाधि और प्रज्ञा में अधिक से अधिक पुष्ट हों, सचमुच धर्म की अनंत शक्तियां हमारी ओर दौड़ी चली आती हैं। जब-जब हम अपने मन को धर्म-पथ पर चलने के लिए तैयार करने का संकल्प करते हैं, तब-तब ये सारी शक्तियां हमारे लिए पाथेय बन जाती हैं.......... 

तुम्हारा 30 मार्च का पत्र मिला। तुम सब यथाशक्ति विपश्यना का अभ्यास कर रहे हो और रविवार को सामूहिक साधना भी, जिससे सुख-शांति और प्रसन्नता की अनुभूति होती है, यह जान कर मन संतुष्ट-प्रसन्न हुआ। 

यह सच है कि गृहस्थ जीवन में अनेक प्रकार के उतार चढ़ाव आते हैं जो विपश्यना में पुष्ट होने में कठिनाई पैदा करते प्रतीत होते हैं। लेकिन इन कष्टों से जूझते हुए घुटने नहीं टेकना ही वस्तुतः विपश्यना साधना को सुदृढ़ करना है। गृहस्थ जीवन से घबराना उचित नहीं। 

इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं कि घर से बेघर होकर आदमी जब गृहस्थ की सारी जिम्मेदारियों को उतार फेंकता है तब उसे अंतर्मुखी होकर साधना के अभ्यास के लिए अधिक अवसर मिलता है। उसकी अनेक कठिनाइयां अपने आप दूर हो जाती हैं। लेकिन जिस समाज में गृहस्थों में वस्तुतः धर्म नहीं जागा हो, उस समाज में कोई व्यक्ति संन्यास ले कर अपना मंगल साधना चाहे तो यह भी सरल नहीं है। उस क्षेत्र में भी कठिनाइयां सामने आती हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में बाधाओं का सामना करते हुए गृहस्थ जीवन में ही धीरे-धीरे धर्म-पथ पर आगे बढ़ते जाना चाहिए। 

नए संस्कार बनने बिल्कुल बंद हो जायँ, ऐसा कोई चमत्कार नहीं हो जाता। सारा अभ्यास इसी दिशा की ओर ले जाने के लिए है कि कुछ क्षण तो ऐसे आने लगें जिनमें सही माने में नए संस्कार नहीं बना रहे हैं। ऐसे क्षण प्रभूत मात्रा में पुराने संस्कारों का क्षय करने में स्वतः ही कारण बन जाते हैं। 

सांसारिक जीवन में साधक को व्यावहारिक दृष्टिकोण रखना चाहिए। किन्हीं सांसारिक कठिनाइयों के कारण या किसी के अन्याय, अनीतिपूर्ण व्यवहार के कारण यदि हमारी सुरक्षा खतरे में हो तो एक सीमा तक क्षांति (सहनशीलता) का भाव रखना आवश्यक है। परंतु इसके बाद एक समय ऐसा भी आता है जबकि भावावेश के अधीन हुए बिना दृढ़तापूर्वक
अनीति और अन्याय का सामना करना होता है। किसी के प्रति द्वेष- दुर्भावना रखते हुए नहीं, बल्कि उसकी भी मंगलकामना चाहते हुए ही। 

विश्वास है उस क्षेत्र के सभी साधक विघ्न-बाधाओं के बावजूद धर्म का अभ्यास नहीं छोड़ेंगे। अंततोगत्वा सफलता मिलेगी ही। हर संघर्ष हमें धर्म में पुष्ट करने वाला हो, हर असफलता हमें और दृढ़ता के साथ धर्म-पथ पर आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा और पराक्रम प्रदान करने वाली हो, इस उत्साह के साथ कदम-कदम आगे बढ़ते ही जाना चाहिए। 

सचमुच धर्म की अनंत शक्तियां हमारी ओर दौड़ी चली आती हैं। जब-जब हम अपने मन को धर्म-पथ पर चलने के लिए तैयार करने का संकल्प करते हैं, तब-तब ये सारी शक्तियां हमारे लिए पाथेय बन जाती हैं। 

साधक वहां धूमधाम से बुद्ध-जयंती मनाना चाहते हैं और उस समय स्वयं-शिविर लगाना चाहते हैं। मैं समझता हूं बुद्ध-जयंती मनाए जाने का इससे बेहतर तरीका और कुछ हो ही नहीं सकता। बुद्ध-जयंती भगवान बुद्ध के सम्मान के लिए है, उनके पूजन के लिए है। और उनका पूजन इसी प्रकार किया जाना चाहिए- इमाय धम्मानुधम्मपटिपत्तिया बुद्धं पूजेमि। धर्म और अनुधर्म का प्रतिपादन करते हुए ही हम बुद्ध का सम्मान कर सकते हैं, बुद्ध की सही वंदना करते हैं, बुद्ध का सही पूजन करते हैं, और इसलिए सही माने में बुद्ध-जयंती मनाते हैं। 

जो लोग इस अवसर पर एकत्र हो रहे हों उनसे मेरा यही संदेश कहना चाहिए कि बुद्ध-जयंती का अवसर अन्य त्यौहारों की तरह आमोद-प्रमोद भरे उत्सव- समारोह जैसा नहीं हो जाना चाहिए। केवल वाणी-विलास और बुद्धि-विलास तक ही सीमित नहीं रहना चाहिए, बल्कि लोगों के मन में यह प्रेरणा जागनी चाहिए कि हम शील, समाधि और प्रज्ञा में अधिक से अधिक पुष्ट हों, तभी बुद्ध-जयंती मनाने का महत्त्व है, तो ही बुद्ध-जयंती मनाने की सफलता है। 

सभी साधकों के प्रति समस्त मंगल मैत्री लिए हुए, 

✍ साशिष, सत्यनारायण गोयन्का 

विपश्यना पत्रिका संग्रह, अप्रेल 2017 में प्रकाशित। 
विपश्यना विशोधन विन्यास ।। 

भवतु सब्ब मगंलं !!

Saturday 14 May 2022

आश्चर्य-अद्भुत सूत्र (अच्छरियअब्भुतसुत्तं)

🌷 आश्चर्य-अद्भुत सूत्र (अच्छरियअब्भुतसुत्तं) 🌷 

ऐसा मैने सुना (कि) एक समय भगवान् (बुद्ध) श्रावस्तीनगरीस्थित जेतवनाराम में अनाथपिण्डिक श्रेष्ठी द्वारा निर्मापित विहार में साधनाहेतु विराजमान थे। उस समय, भिक्षाचर्या के बाद भोजनकर्म से निवृत्त हो, उपस्थानशाला में एक जगह बैठे भिक्षुओं में तथागत के विषय में यह बात चल पड़ी - 

"आयुष्मानो! तथागत की महर्धिकता (चमत्कार) व महानुभावता (दूरदृष्टि) आश्चर्यमयी एवं अद्भुत है कि तथागत उन पूर्व बुद्धों के विषय में भी सब कुछ जानते हैं जो सांसारिक मायाजाल से छूट चुके हैं, जिनका संसार में आवागमन रुक चुका है, जो भवबन्धन से मुक्त हो चुके हैं, सभी दुःखों से दूर हो चुके हैं और निर्वाण प्राप्त कर चुके हैं; जैसे - वे इस नाम के थे, इस गोत्र के थे, उनका ऐसा शील था, ऐसा धर्माचरण था, उनकी ऐसी प्रज्ञा थी, उनकी ऐसी साधना थी।" 

उन भिक्षुओं में ऐसी बातें चल ही रही थी कि आयुष्मान् आनन्द ने उनसे कहा - "आयुष्मानो ! तथागत के सभी क्रियाकलाप आश्चर्यमय हैं, आश्चर्यमय धर्मों से युक्त हैं; अद्भुत हैं, अद्भुत धर्मों के सम्पृक्त हैं।" उन भिक्षुओं में ऐसी या ऐसी ही कोई दूसरी बातें चल रही थीं। 

तदनन्तर, भगवान् सायङ्काल ध्यानसाधना से उठकर जहाँ उपस्थानशाला थी, वहाँ पधारे और भिक्षुओं से पूछा- "भिक्षुओ! तुम इस समय किस विषय पर चर्चा कर रहे थे?" 

"भन्ते ! यहाँ भोजन के बाद उपस्थानशाला में एकत्र हुए हम लोगों में इसी विषय पर बात चल रही थी कि- 
'आयुष्मानो ! तथागत की महधिकता, अद्भुत धर्मों से सम्पृक्त हैं।' भन्ते ! यह चर्चा चल ही रही थी कि उसी बीच भगवान् यहाँ पधार गये।" 

तब भगवान् ने आनन्द को अभिमुख कर कहा- 
"तो, आनन्द ! तूं और भी आनन्दपूर्वक मेरे द्वारा कथित तथागत के इन आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्मों को स्मरण ले।" 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! बोधिसत्त्व स्मृतिसम्प्रजन्ययुक्त हो तुषित लोक में उत्पन्न होते हैं।' जो ये बोधिसत्त्व स्मृतिसम्प्रजन्ययुक्त हो कर तुषित लोक में उत्पन्न होते हैं- यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के ही श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! बोधिसत्त्व अपनी पूर्ण आयु तक तुषित काय (लोक) में ठहरे। भन्ते ! बोधिसत्त्व का यह जीवनपर्यन्त (पूर्ण आयु तक) तुषित लोक में ठहरना भी अद्भुत आश्चर्यमय धर्म समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से ही सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! स्मृति-सम्प्रजन्ययुक्त बोधिसत्त्व उस तुषित लोक से च्युत हो मातृकुक्षि (माता के गर्भ) में अवक्रान्त हुए।' 
भन्ते ! स्मृतिसम्प्रजन्ययुक्त बोधिसत्त्व का यह तुषित लोक से च्युत हो मातृगर्भ में अवक्रान्त होना भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जब बोधिसत्त्व तुषित काय से मातृगर्भ में अवतरित होते हैं, तब देव-मार-ब्रह्मा सहित समग्र लोकों में, श्रमण-ब्राह्मण, देव-मनुष्य सहित सम्पूर्ण प्रजा में, देवताओं के तेज (अवभास) को भी अतिक्रान्त कर देने वाला अपरिमित महान् प्रकाश लोक में प्रादुर्भूत होता है। 

जो वे घने अन्धकार से पूर्ण तमसावृत दूसरे लोक हैं, जहाँ इतने तेजस्वी इतने महाप्रताप से सूर्य चन्द्रमा भी प्रकाश नहीं पहुँचा सकते वहाँ भी अपरिमित उदार प्रकाश फैल जाता है। उस समय वहाँ जो अन्य प्राणी उत्पन्न होते हैं वे भी उस प्रकाश के सहारे से एक दूसरे को पहचान लेते हैं कि यहाँ अन्य प्राणी भी उत्पन्न हुए हैं। और उस दिव्य प्रकाश से यह दशसहस्री लोकधातु (ब्रह्माण्ड) कम्पित प्रकम्पित सम्प्रवेधित हो उठती है।'
भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से ही सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जब बोधिसत्त्व मातृगर्भ में अवतरित होते हैं उस समय चार देवपुत्र चारों दिशाओं से उस बोधिसत्त्व की रक्षा के लिये पहुँच जाते हैं कि कोई देवता या मुनष्य इस बोधिसत्त्व को या बोधिसत्त्व की माता को किसी तरह की हानि न पहुंचा दे।' भन्ते! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जब बोधिसत्त्व माता की कोख में अवतरित होते हैं उस समय बोधिसत्त्व की माता स्वभाव से उतनी शीलसम्पन्न हो जाती हैं कि वह हिंसा, चोरी, व्यभिचार, असत्यभाषण एवं मद्यपान आदि दुर्गुणों से पूर्णत: विरत रहती हैं।' भन्ते ! मैं यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जिस दिन बोधिसत्त्व माता के गर्भ में अवक्रान्त होते हैं, उसी दिन से बोधिसत्त्व की माता के मन में किसी भी पुरुष के प्रति कामोत्पाद नहीं होता, न कोई पुरुष उनकी ओर कामरागचित्त से आँख उठाकर देखने का साहस ही करता है।' भन्ते! यह भी भगवान् का अद्भुत धर्म ही है-ऐसा मैं समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जब बोधिसत्त्व माता की कुक्षि में आते हैं तभी से बोधिसत्त्वमाता पञ्चविध कामगुणों से तृप्त रहती हैं, उसे उनकी कोई कमी नहीं रहती।' भन्ते ! भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जिस दिन बोधिसत्त्व माता की कोख में आते हैं उसी दिन से उस माताश्री को किसी प्रकार का रोग (आबाध) नहीं होता, उसके शरीर में कोई पीड़ा नहीं होती, वह सब तरह से स्वस्थ सुखी रहती है। और वह गर्भगत बोधिसत्त्व को सभी अङ्गों प्रत्यङ्गों के साथ सभी स्वस्थ इन्द्रियों के साथ बढ़ते हुए देखती रहती है। 

आनन्द ! जैसे शुभ्र, उत्तम जाति की, अठकोणी, भलीभाँति चमकायी गयी वैदूर्यमणि हो, उसमें नीला, पीला, लाल, श्वेत, नारङ्गी (पीत या पाण्डु) रंग का सूत पिरोया गया हो; उसे हाथ में लेकर कोई आँखों वाला देखे- 'यह वैदूर्यमणि है इसमें नीला सूत पिरोया है; इसी प्रकार आनन्द! बोधिसत्त्व को गर्भ में बढ़ते हुए देखती रहती है।' भन्ते ! भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! बोधिसत्त्व के माता की कोख से बाहर आने के सप्ताह भर बाद, जब बोधिसत्त्व की माता यहाँ प्राणत्याग करती है तो वह सीधे तुषित देवलोक में उत्पन्न होती हैं।' भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जैसे अन्य साधारण स्त्री को नवें या दसवें मास में बालक गर्भ से प्रसूत होता है वैसे बोधिसत्त्व माता बोधिसत्त्व का प्रसव नहीं करतीं। वे दस मास पूर्ण होने पर ही प्रसूता होती हैं।' भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैंने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से ही सुना है- 'आनन्द ! जैसे अन्य स्त्रियाँ बैठकर या लेटकर प्रसव करती हैं, वैसे बोधिसत्त्व की माता नहीं करती। वह तो स्थित (खड़ी) रहती हुई ही प्रसव करती हैं।' भन्ते! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जब बोधिसत्त्व माता की कोख से बाहर आते हैं तो पहले उन्हें देवता अपने हाथों में लेते हैं, फिर मनुष्य।' भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 “भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से ही सुना है कि आनन्द ! जब बोधिसत्त्व गर्भ से बाहर आते हैं तो उस समय पृथ्वी का स्पर्श होने से पूर्व ही चार देवपुत्र उन्हें अपने पवित्र हाथों में लेकर माता के सम्मुख प्रस्तुत करते हैं- देवी! आप प्रसन्न हों, आप को महाप्रतापी पुत्र हुआ है।' भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जब बोधिसत्त्व अपनी माता की कोख से बाहर आते हैं तब वे साफ स्वच्छ से ही निकलते हैं, वे अन्य साधारण बालकों की तरह मैले, गर्भोदक या रक्त या श्लेष्मा से लिपटे नहीं रहते, अपितु शुद्ध विशद (स्वच्छ) ही निकलते हैं।' 

आनन्द ! जैसे कोई मणिरत्न काशी के बने कौषेय वस्त्र में लिपटा न उस वस्त्र में चिपकता है, न वह वस्त्र ही उस मणिरत्न पर चिपकता है; क्योंकि वे दोनों ही सुविशुद्ध हैं; उसी तरह आनन्द ! जब बोधिसत्त्व अपनी माता की कोख से निकलते हैं तो शुद्ध विशुद्ध ही निकलते हैं।' भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! जब बोधिसत्त्व माता की कोख से बाहर आते हैं, उसी समय आकाश से जल की दो धाराएँ गिरने लगती हैं- एक ठण्डे जल की और दूसरी गरम जल की, उनसे बोधिसत्त्व तथा उसकी माता की स्नानक्रिया या प्रक्षालनक्रिया सम्पन्न होती है।' भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने भगवान् के श्रीमुख से सुना, और इसे ग्रहण किया कि- 'आनन्द! सद्यः उत्पन्न बोधिसत्त्व अपने श्रीचरणों को पृथ्वी पर समतल रखकर उत्तर दिशा की ओर मुख कर, सात पदक्रम (कदम) चलते हैं, (देवताओं द्वारा) श्वेत छत्र धारण कर सब दिशाएँ देखते हुए यह गम्भीर (आर्षभी) वाणी बोलते हैं -
🌷अग्गोहमस्मि लोकस्स - लोक में मैं अग्र हूं।🌷
🌷जेट्ठोहमस्मि लोकस्स - लोक में मैं ज्येष्ठ हूं।🌷
🌷सेट्ठोहमस्मि लोकस्स - लोक में मैं श्रेष्ठ हूं।🌷
🌷अयमन्तिमा जाति- यह मेरा अंतिम जन्म है।🌷
🌷नत्थि दानि पुनब्भवो- अब एक बार भी पुनर्जन्म नहीं होगा।🌷

🌷 "भन्ते ! मैने आप के श्रीमुख से ही सुना है- 'आनन्द ! जब बोधिसत्त्व माता की कोख से बाहर आते हैं तब देव, मार ब्रह्मा सहित समग्र सृष्टि सम्प्रवेधित हो उठती हैं।' भन्ते ! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 “इसी तरह, आनन्द! तुम तथागत के इस अद्भुत आश्चर्यमय धर्म को भी अपने मन में बैठा लो। 

आनन्द! यहाँ तथागत को सभी वेदनाएँ (अनुभव) पहले से विदित होती हुई ही उत्पन्न होती हैं, स्थित होती हैं, अस्त होती हैं; इसी प्रकार सभी संज्ञाएँ, सभी वितर्क, विदित होते हुए ही अस्त होते हैं।' आनन्द! यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

🌷 'भन्ते ! भगवान् को ये जो सभी वेदनाएँ, सभी संज्ञाएँ, सभी वितर्क, विदित होते हुए ही अस्त होते हैं, यह भी भगवान् का आश्चर्यमय एवं अद्भुत धर्म है - ऐसा समझता हूँ। 

आयुष्मान् आनन्द ने यह कहा। शास्ता ने आनन्द (की इस बात) का समर्थन किया। सामने बैठे सभी भिक्षुओं ने आयुष्मान् आनन्द के इस भाषण का अभिनन्दन किया। 

आश्चर्यअद्भुतसूत्र समाप्त॥

मज्झिमनीकाय ।
विपश्यना विशोधन विन्यास ॥ 

भवतु सब्ब मंङ्गलं !! 

Friday 13 May 2022

Can one have the vision of God every day?

Another day I had been to the Holy Mother's place, when a monk came and prostrated before her. He said: "Mother, why does the mind become so restless every now and then? Why can't I constantly meditate on you? Many worthless thoughts disturb my mind. Useless things we can easily obtain if we simply want them. Shall I never realize the Lord? Mother, please tell me how I can attain peace. Nowadays seldom have I visions. What is the use of this life if I cannot realize Him? It is better to die than to lead such a worthless life".

Mother: “What are you talking of, my child? Do not even think of such things. Can one have the vision of God every day? Sri Ramakrishna used to say: "Does an angler catch a big carp every day the moment he sits with his rod? Arranging everything about him, he sits with the rod and concentrates. Once in a while a big carp swallows the hook. Many a time he is disappointed. Don't relax the practices for that reason. Do more Japa”.

Yogin-Ma: “Yes, that is true. The Name is identical with Brahman. Even if the mind be not concentrated at the outset, you will succeed ultimately”.

Monk: “Please tell me, Mother, how many times I should repeat the Name. That may help me to get concentration”.

Mother: “Ten thousand times, or even twenty thousand times or as many times as you can”.

Monk: “One day, Mother, I was kneeling in the shrine and weeping, when I suddenly saw you standing by my side. You said to me: "What do you want?" "I want your grace, Mother", - I replied: "as you bestowed it on king Suratha”. Then I added: "No, Mother, that was done by you as Durga. I do not care for that form. I want to see you as you are at present". With a smile you disappeared. My mind became all the more restless. Now nothing satisfies me. Often I think: "If I cannot realize Her, then what is the use of this life?"”

Mother: “Why are you so restless, my child? Why don't you stick on to what you have got? Always remember: "I have at least a Mother, if none else". Do you remember those words of Sri Ramakrishna? He said he would reveal himself to all that take shelter under him, reveal himself at least on their last day. He will draw all unto Him”.

(“The Gospel of the Holy Mother”, Part 6: “Recorded by Sarayubala Devi, Udbodhan Office, Calcutta”, 23rd August, 1918)

Thursday 12 May 2022

Sri Surya Pahar

In a remote region in #Assam is a hill that will take your breath away. It’s called Sri Surya Pahar and on its gentle slopes, carved out of natural rock formations, are votive stupas, Shiva Lingas and sculptures of deities. The site is sacred to Hindus, Buddhists and Jains.

Although no one really knows who built them, the clue to this astonishing site is its location. Situated near the Brahmaputra River, the region may be remote now but it was once a thriving centre of travellers, traders and most importantly - worshipers. #Archaeology

Sri Surya Pahar is associated with the cult of sun worship and it is mentioned in sources like Kalika and Markandeya Purana. #Indianhistory

Each #religion found patronage here, under different dynasties, in pre-Ahom Assam – #Hinduism under the Varmanas (350-650 CE) and #Buddhism under the Palas (900-1100 CE). They ruled from Pragjyotishpura (present-day Guwahati), only 127 km from here.

The most interesting find at the site is a beautifully carved, large, circular stone slab, a suryachakra, which was once part of the ceiling of an ancient Surya #temple. Intricate reliefs of various #Hindu deities such as Vishnu and Ganesh are strewn all around.

Also found everywhere are Shiva Lingas, locally believed to number 99,999! Remnants of ancient Buddhist influence can also be found in the form of 25 votive stupas, dating back to the 1st century CE.

There are a handful of temples too – a Shiva temple, remains of a Vishnu temple and the excavated ruins of others. All the reliefs at Sri Surya Pahar are ascribed to the Eastern School of Art, which developed its own distinct style during the Pala dynasty.

The influence of #Jainism is indicated by three naked rock-cut figures, dating to the 9th century. #DidYouKnow that Sri Surya Pahar marked the boundary of Jainism in the east?

Sri Surya Pahar was an important religious centre. Sadly, there is little or no literature on the site. Which is why we also don’t know why and when it went into decline.

Wednesday 11 May 2022

The Restoration of Somnath Temple

#OnThisDay, in 1951, the famous Somnath Temple in #Gujarat was restored to its former glory. In the words of the then President of India, Dr Rajendra Prasad, it proved that “the power of reconstruction is always greater than the power of destruction". #Indianhistory  

The Somnath #Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva as ‘Lord of the Moon’, has been one of the most sacred shrines in #India for over 1,500 years. Due to its fame as a centre of wealth, it was attacked and plundered by Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni in 1026 CE. #Hindu #religion

A few years after this infamous sack, the temple was restored and continued to serve as an important pilgrimage centre. But over the centuries, the temple was attacked and plundered repeatedly.

The last destruction of the Somnath Temple took place in 1665 CE, when it was partially demolished and converted into a mosque, on the orders of #Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. For almost three centuries, the shrine lay abandoned, appearing occasionally in old #British photos and paintings.

Following India’s independence in 1947, the Nawab of Junagadh, who ruled the region where Somnath is located, fled to #Pakistan with his jewels and dogs. Sardar Patel visited the Somnath Temple, and proposed to restore it to its former glory.

#MahatmaGandhi suggested that the temple be restored, not with government funds, but through donations from ordinary Indians. With the funds collected, the ruins of the old temple were pulled down and construction began in October 1950.

Noted temple builder Prabhashankar Oghadji Sompura (1896–1979), whose family had been constructing temples in Gujarat for centuries, was the architect of the new temple. The temple followed the Chalukyan style of #architecture and took elements from the old temple ruins.

It was noted #Congress leader K M Munshi, who took a lead in the reconstruction of the temple, despite vehement opposition from #JawaharlalNehru, who dubbed it ‘Hindu Revivalism’. The new temple was completed in 1951.

On 11th May 1951, Dr Rajendra Prasad, the then President of India, inaugurated the new temple. It marked a new epoch in the history of Indian temples.

Monday 9 May 2022

Akka Mahadevi

Akka Mahadevi was a twelfth century Kannada poet, saint, and mystic 
(c. 1130-1160), who followed the Virashaivaite bhakti tradition.

Akka Mahadevi’s devotion to Lord Shiva began from a very early age. As her devotion grew, her worship of Lord Shiva took on a madhurya form of devotion, where she saw the Lord as her only true love. She named him Chennamallikarjuna,, meaning “Lord As White As Jasmine.”

Akka Mahadevi was known for her stunning beauty, and described as having long black sensual tresses of hair. According to one popular and widely-accepted legend, she soon caught the eye of a local Jain king, Kaushika. When approached by King Kaushika for her hand in marriage, Akka Mahadevi reluctantly accepted, but only after the king agreed to her conditions of not interfering in her devotion to Lord Shiva or touching her in any way without her permission. 

Unfortunately as time passed, King Kaushika was unable to bear that his wife was devoted to another man (Lord Shiva) and angrily declared that he would not permit this anymore. 
Akka Mahadevi immediately left the palace grounds renouncing any material wealth that she had ever received by the king. 
She declared that Lord Shiva is her one and only husband. 
She discarded all her jewelry and clothes and proceeded in the nude to Srisailam, the place believed to be Lord Shiva’s abode.

Enroute to Srisailam, Akka Mahadevi was said to have stopped in the city of Kalyana, home to many learned poets and saints such as Basavanna and Allamaprabhu. Here, at the Anubhavamantapa, she took part in many spiritual discourses about philosophy and the attainment of moksha (enlightenment). Although she chose spiritual enlightenment and abandoned any worldly attachments, she did not achieve the respect of her male spiritual peers. They questioned her nakedness as a woman, even though it was normal for male ascetics. Her non-traditional, non-conformist ways were not easily accepted, but as time went on, her rebellious passion, rigorous devotion, and strength led her to being recognized as one of most prominent figures for female emancipation.

She eventually left Kalyana towards Srisailam, reciting the following translated vachana:

Having vanquished the six passions and become 
The trinity of body, thought and speech;
Having ended the trinity and become twain – I and the Absolute
Having ended the duality and become a unity
Is because of the grace of you all.
I salute Basavanna and all assembled here
Blessed was I by Allama my Master-
Bless me all that I may join my Chenna Mallikarjuna
Good-bye! Good-bye!

Akka Mahadevi is said to have ended her journey at Kadali, a thick-forested area in Srisailam where she finally achieved her dream and experienced her spiritual union with Lord Shiva, whom she lovingly named Chenna Mallikarjuna.

Her poetry exhibits her love for Chenna Mallikarjuna, harmony with nature and simple living:

“For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,
For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells
For sleep temple ruins do well
For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna”

Sunday 8 May 2022

The Holy Mother’s way of life

When we start an establishment or an Ashrama for serving the masses, we procure all kinds of equipment, furniture etc., and try to create some stir to attract people. But the holy mother’s way of life was such, that her place fulfilled the purposes of worship, a school, an Ashrama for looking after the needy and the destitute, and a hospital for the sick - all in one. Those, who were fortunate to be near the Mother, to have her Darsan and talk to her, were strongly impressed by the Mother’s constant remembrance of the Lord, her entire dependence on Him under all circumstances, and her unique faith and devotion to Him. There was no special room or chapel for the Master wherever the Mother was. He would be there with her. At Jayrambati, his place was in a niche in the mud wall. Getting up from her sleep, she would have the Darsan of the Master, have her morning ablutions and then sit for Japa and Dhyana. She would then perform her daily chores of the household: cut the vegetables for cooking, have her bath and worship, arrange for the cooking, prepare the betel rolls, offer ‘Bhoga’ to the Master, see that the Prasada was distributed as lunch to the inmates, and then take her share of it as food. She then had some rest. In the afternoon she would receive the devotees and others, collected there, and talk to them, and enquire about the welfare of the neighbours. At dusk she would offer light and incense to the Master and meditate for some time. Then at night she would offer Bhoga, take the Prasada and then go to sleep. Over and above these, she would serve the guests, relations, Sadhus and devotees. She showed no aversion or negligence towards any work of the household. Everything was for the Master. The household was entirely the Master’s own and so everything was done for him. She was living only through his direction. He was the Lord and she was just a maid-servant in his household. The only aim of her living in her body was to serve him and please him.

(Swami Saradeshananda “The Mother As I Saw Her”, Part II, Ch.11 “The Mother’s Way Of Life”)

🏵️ MATHRU PANCHAKAM 🏵️A very emotional Prayer to his mother by Adi Shankara

A very emotional Prayer to his mother by Adi Shankara


( Adi Sankara Bhagawat Pada was born at Kalady in Kerala in a Namboodiri Family. His mother was Aryamba and his father died very early. When he wanted to take up sanyasa very much against the will of her mother, she finally agreed with a condition, that He should be present near her death bed and also he should perform the obsequies. Sankara agreed for this and took up Sanyasa. 

When he was art Sringeri, he realized that his mother was nearing death and by the power given to him by God reached there immediately. He was near his mother at the time of her death and also performed the funeral ceremonies. It was at this time he wrote this five slokas which came out deep from his mind. This was possibly the only poem he wrote, which is not extolling any God and also not explaining his philosophy.

He laments to the lady who was his mother and points out how his conscience is pricking him for being not able to do the duty of a son.)

🌼Verse 1 
Aasthaam tavaddeyam prasoothi samaye durvara soola vyadha,
Nairuchyam thanu soshanam malamayee sayya cha samvatsaree,
Ekasyapi na garbha bara bharana klesasya yasya kshmo dhathum,
Nishkruthi munnathopi thanaya tasya janyai

✍️Meaning - 
Oh mother mine, 
With clenched teeth bore thou the excruciating pain,
When I was born to you,
Shared thou the bed made dirty by me for an year,
And thine body became thin and painfull,
During those nine months that you bore me,
For all these in return,
Oh mother dearest,
I can never compensate,
Even by my becoming great.

🌼Verse 2 
Gurukulamupasruthya swapnakaale thu drushtwa,
Yathi samuchitha vesham praarudho maam twamuchai
Gurukulamadha sarva prarudathe samaksham
Sapadhi charanayosthe mathurasthu pranaama.

Clad in a dress of a sanyasin,
You saw me in my teacher’s school,
In your dream and wept,
And rushed thither,
Smothered, embraced and fondled me, Oh mother mine,
And all the teachers and students wept with you dear,
What could I do,
Except falling at your feet,
And offering my salutations.

🌼Verse 3
Ambethi Thathethi Shivethi tasmin,
Prasoothikale yadavocha uchai,
Krishnethi Govinda hare Mukunde tyaho,
Janye rachito ayamanjali.

Oh mother mine,
Crying thou shouted in pain,
During thine hard labour,
“Oh mother, Oh father,
Oh God Shiva,
Oh Lord Krishna,
Oh Lord of all Govinda,
Oh Hari and Oh God Mukunda,”
But in return,
Oh my mother dearest.
I can give you but humble prostrations.

🌼Verse 4
Na dattam mathasthe marana samaye thoyamapi vaa,
Swadhaa vaa no dheyaa maranadivase sraadha vidhina
Na japtho mathasthe marana samaye tharaka manu,
Akale samprapthe mayi kuru dhayaam matharathulaam.

Neither did I give you water at thine time of death,
Neither did I offer oblations to thee to help thine journey of death,
And neither did I chant the name of Rama in thine ear,
Oh Mother supreme, pardon me for these lapses with compassion,
For I have arrived here late to attend to those.

🌼Verse 5
Mukthaa Manisthvam, Nayanam mamethi,
Rajethi jeevethi chiram sthutha thwam,
Ithyuktha vathya vaachi mathaa,
Dadamyaham thandulamesh shulkam.

(You always had blessings for me, you said-)
"Long live, my son,
Oh, pearl mine,
Oh jewel mine,
Oh my dearest eyes,
Oh mine prince dearest,
And oh my soul of soul,"
Sang thou to me,
But in return of that all,
Oh my mother dearest.
I give you but dry rice in your mouth.

This shlokas doesn’t not only depict a bond of mother and her child. This shloka symbolically speak of the very life of human beings. 🙏🏻

Saturday 7 May 2022

Sri Bagalamukhi Jayanti

#mothersday Today is Mother's Day as well as Sri Bagalamukhi Jayanti. Ma Bagalamukhi represents the strong power of motherhood, she is the stambhana shakti that ties your mind and speech, since when your mind is engulfed in negativity, you will talk only those things that would damage you. As a result, she not only protects but also disciplines her child when they lose their identity and cause harm to themselves. Because she is the source of life to the universe, the Divine Mother principle has long been realised the most powerful in all civilisations, so she protects us all. Motherhood is a universal quality that resides not just in females but in all beings, as said in Devi Mahatmayam as Yaa Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Matru Rupena Samsthitha. This energy known as motherhood within us connects us to everything in almighty mother's creation. You're lifeless, unstable, and anxious in her absence. Mother, on the other hand, nourishes, stabilises, and empowers the individual to manifest not just the wonders within themselves, but also in others. The job of a mother is to empower her children, and when we seek the Mother Goddess, she empowers us all.

Sri Matre Namaha.

#Bagalamukhi #mother #divinemother

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Karmabai ki khichdi

Jiwanji Dudi was a staunch Krishna devotee, living in Kalwa village of Nagaur, Rajasthan. In 1615, he was blessed with a daughter whom they named Karmabai. Once, Jiwanji had to go outstation and so, he instructed Karmabai to prepare and offer food in the morning for Sri Krishna (bhog or prasad or naivedyam. Only after He had partaken of the offering must she eat, he warned. 

The next morning, Karmabai woke up early. Intent on following her father’s instructions, she immediately prepared khichdi (a dish made with rice and lentils) and offered it to Krishna. However, the bhog remained untouched. Upset about this, Karmabai stayed hungry herself – how could she eat when the Lord had not eaten? After some time, pleased by her devotion, Krishna appeared in front of Karmabai and ate the bhog. 

This now became a routine, and every morning, Karmabai would wake up and hurriedly prepare the khichdi, which Krishna would relish. When Jiwanji returned, Karmabai told him all the happenings; he was shocked and refused to believe her. At Karmabai’s request, Krishna appeared in front of them both, and ate the khichdi! 

After a few years, Karmabai went to stay at Puri in Odisha. Even there, Lord Jagannath landed on her doorstep to eat His favorite khichdi every morning. 

Once, a saint came to Karmabai’s house and camped for the night. The next morning, he noticed her routine and he was aghast! How could she prepare bhog without first having her bath, or doing puja, or cleaning the vessels and purifying the kitchen! He explained to her the rules to be followed before preparing and offering bhog. 

Next morning, when Krishna called, “Ma, I’m here. Bring me my khichdi”, 

“Please wait, I’m having my bath,” came the reply. 

After a while, He again called out, “Ma, where is the khichdi?” 

“I’m cleaning the kitchen and utensils, just wait a few more minutes,” said Karmabai. 

“They’re calling out to me in the temple, Ma, I have to go there soon. Please give me the khichdi,” begged Jagannatha! The Lord of the Universe, for whom 56 items were waiting as bhog, was hungering for the khichdi of a mother’s loving devotion! 

Karmabai rushed out of her kitchen with the bhog. The Lord ate it in a hurry, and rushed back to the temple. When the priest opened up the shrine, he noticed some khichdi sticking to His Mouth and asked, “How did this happen, Lord?”

Krishna narrated the whole story of how He always had khichdi at Karmabai’s house, and how today He had been delayed because Karmabai had followed the instructions of the saint. 

The saint was in for the shock of his life when the temple priest arrived with instructions from Jagannath. Karmabai was to prepare the bhog as per her usual routine! The Lord wanted the devotee’s bhog prepared with love, undiluted by the distractions of ritualistic purity! 

After a few years, one day, the priest saw tears flowing from Krishna’s Eyes. On being questioned about why He was crying, the Lord replied, “My Ma Karmabai passed away today. No doubt, she has come to Me, but I’m going to miss her khichdi! Who will give me khichdi from now!” wailed Jagannatha! 

And so it came to be that from that day onwards, “Karmabai ki khichdi” is the first bhog offered to Sri Jagannatha, even before the famed “Chappan Bhog” of 56 different dishes.

Monday 2 May 2022

Sarada Ma's infinite compassion

It is hard for ordinary people to comprehend how one can absorb the result of another person’s karma. Although Holy Mother was without sin, she suffered terribly from taking on the sins of others. She knew the cause of her suffering, yet she continued to give initiation and look after the devotees. One day, when several devotees came for initiation, she told her attendant: “My son, I feel as if I am wrestling all day. The devotees are coming without any break. This body cannot bear any more. I am praying to the Master and keeping my mind in this world by holding onto Radhu”. 

This feeling was momentary. It disappeared, when anybody approached her for initiation. Arupananda said: “Mother, don’t you initiate those, whom you wish to initiate?” 

Holy Mother replied: “No, I initiate people purely out of compassion. They do not leave me alone. They weep. That moves my heart and I give initiation out of kindness. Otherwise, what do I gain? When I initiate devotees, I have to accept their sins”.

Her motherly heart bled, when she saw the pain and agony of her children. Then she forgot her rheumatic pain and malarial fever. She said: “This body will one day surely perish. Let it go now, if it must, but let them realize the Truth through initiation”. On another occasion she remarked: “Now and then I think, if this body, instead of being such a small frame of bones and flesh, were a big one, how many more people l could help?”

(Swami Chetanananda “Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play”, Vedanta Society of St. Louis 2015, Ch. 26 “Holy Mother as a Guru”, p. 470)


Lord Brahma began his creation on Akshay Tritiya 

Satya Yuga and Treta Yuga starts on this day.

Chandan Yatra begins today in many temples and continues for 21 days.

Lord Jagannath told King Indradyumna to apply Chandan to Him today, which is called Chandan Laagi.

From today Lord Jagannath travels in procession in the form of His Utsav Murti.
MadanMohan , Panch Shiva of Puri , to Narendra Sarovar and enjoys water pastimes for 21 days.

Lord Chaitanya bathed with all His associates in Narendra Sarovar on this day.

Making of the rath / carts for Jagannath RathYatra begins on akshay Tritiya and ends on the first day of Ashadha month. Rath Yatra takes place on 2nd day of Ashadha. 

Lord Banke Bihari of Vrindavan gives His Charan Darshan today. This is only one day in a year, one can take darshan / can see the lotus feet of BankeBihariji.

On this day, Mother Ganga appeared on earth in response to the austerities performed by King Bhagirath.

On this day, Lord Varahadev shook His body and water from His divine body fell on the earth to create the black sesame seeds for the purpose of performing yajna / agnihotra ( Fire Sacrifice).

Draupadi devi received Akshay Patra from Suryadev on this day during their exile in the forest ( in Kamyavan, to the north of Nandgaon )

On Akshay tritiya day, Darupadi was saved by Lord Krishna from getting disrobed by Duhshasan in the vicious kuru assembly ( asat-sabha ).

Gangotri and Yamunotri temples open today.
Ganga Devi travels in a huge procession from her mother’s house to her temple in Gangotri to stay for 6 months.
Madhavendra Puri offered Chandan on this day to Kshir Chor Gopinath in Remuna, Odisha  and continued for 21 days every day.

In Simhachalam, today the Chandan / sandal wood paste is removed from the body of Lord Varaha-Narasimha dev. The Lord is offered abhishek. This is the only day in the whole year, one can see/ take darshan of Lord Varaha-Narasimha Dev in Simhachalam as they go on piling heaps of Chandan every day on the Lord to pacify Him and keep Him cool. He is the most ferocious form of the Lord.

Akshay Tritiya is the appearance day / birthday of Lord Parshuram who took birth as son of Jamadagni rishi and Renukadevi as the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Akshay Tritiya is the appearance day / birthday of Annapurna devi.

Akshay Tritiya is the appearance day / birthday of Nara Narayan Rishi at Badrinath.
Akshay Trutiya is the appearance day / birthday of Lord Hayagriva Bhagavan.

On Akshay Tritiya day , Sudama Vipra met Dwarakadhish Krishna in Dwaraka and offered Him Flat rice / Poha.

Lord Kuber performed austerities to please Goddess Lakshmi who gave him darshan today and offered him the custody of the treasure of the demigods.
In Jainism, today is the celebration to commemorate the ending of one-year long nirjala fast performed by Lord Rishabhdev , by offering sugarcane juice in His cupped hands.

On Akshay Tritiya , Maharishi Vedavyas started dictating Mahabharat to Lord Ganesh from his cave called Vyas-gufa and Lord Ganesh took the dictation and started writing it in his cave called Ganesh Gufa at the banks of Saraswati River in Badrinath Himalayas.

Whatever one starts OR does today has eternal influence on one’s life. That is why this day is called Akshayy Tritiya – the inexhaustible results of activities started or done today is stored in one’s eternal account.

Akshay Trutiya is one of the three and half auspicious days ( muhurt) in a year,  for starting any venture/ auspicious ceremony like Gruha Pravesh , Wedding , Inauguration of new business, purchase of property etc.

*Moreover , any spiritual activity begun OR done today becomes successful and becomes eternally beneficial for the welfare of the soul.*

Recitation of entire Bhagavad Gita done today is considered very auspicious and beneficial.

Let us take the opportunity to increase or start any new spiritual practices on this auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya🙏🙏🙏

Dakshineswar is our heaven on earth.

Dakshineswar is our heaven on earth. It is our Kailasa, our Vaikuntha. Is it an ordinary place? Sri Ramakrishna lived there about thirty years. … Divine visions and spiritual realizations he had there are without parallel. In the history of religion there has never before been recorded such intense and diversified spiritual practices and such high spiritual experiences in the life of any other Incarnation. … 

This time God manifested His greatest sattvic (pure) qualities. It was that Primordial Power, the Great Mother of the Universe, the source of all Creation, who freely and joyfully expressed Herself, as it were, through the body of our Master. The Master’s intense spiritual Sadhanas (disciplines) will exert their influence not only on this earth, but also in the higher regions, even to Heaven. Oh what a play of Divine Power it was! … 

His hands were very tender. But why speak just of his hands! His entire body was so. For instance, a type of luchi (fried bread) with a hard crust once cut his finger. ... 

In those days we used to sleep on the floor of his room. At bedtime the Master would tell us how to lie down. He would say that if we were to lie flat on our backs and visualize the Mother in our hearts while falling asleep, then we would have spiritual dreams. He asked us to think of spiritual things while going to sleep. During the summer we used to sleep on the veranda and were bothered by mosquitoes. ... 

We saw how little the Master slept. Now and then he might get an hour or half an hour of sleep at the most. Most of the time he was absorbed in Samadhi, and the remaining time he spent in spiritual moods. These moods became very pronounced at night. He would spend the whole night repeating the name of Mother or Hari. When we stayed with the Master at Dakshineswar we were filled with awe. He had no sleep at all. Whenever we awoke we would hear him talking with the Divine Mother in a state of spiritual inebriation. He would pace back and forth in the room, all the while muttering something inaudibly. Sometimes he would wake us in the middle of the night and say: "Hello, my dear boys! Have you come here to sleep? If you spend the whole night in sleep, when will you call on God?" As soon as we heard his voice, we would quickly sit up and start to meditate. 

Some days he would start kirtan (devotional singing) accompanied by drums and cymbals, and we would join him. Usually he would sing only the names of God, occasionally improvising words and phrases. Sometimes he danced in ecstasy. Ah! How graceful his dancing was! He would then be transformed beyond recognition. It is impossible to describe his unique spiritual raptures! He had an unusually sweet voice, the like of which we never heard anywhere else. The kirtan would continue till the late hours of the morning. The Master's ecstasies were contagious, making all those around him ecstatic, and the constant repetition of the Lord's name made the place a heaven on earth. In what joy we passed our days with the Master! 

Swami Shivananda
(Swami Chetanananda “Ramakrishna: As We Saw Him”, Swami Shivananda, “First Meetings with Sri Ramakrishna”)


THE LAST DAYS OF MRINALINI DEVI AND SRI AUROBINDO’S LETTER TO HIS FATHER-IN-LAW This is the last of the posts we have published ...