Thursday, 12 May 2022

Sri Surya Pahar

In a remote region in #Assam is a hill that will take your breath away. It’s called Sri Surya Pahar and on its gentle slopes, carved out of natural rock formations, are votive stupas, Shiva Lingas and sculptures of deities. The site is sacred to Hindus, Buddhists and Jains.

Although no one really knows who built them, the clue to this astonishing site is its location. Situated near the Brahmaputra River, the region may be remote now but it was once a thriving centre of travellers, traders and most importantly - worshipers. #Archaeology

Sri Surya Pahar is associated with the cult of sun worship and it is mentioned in sources like Kalika and Markandeya Purana. #Indianhistory

Each #religion found patronage here, under different dynasties, in pre-Ahom Assam – #Hinduism under the Varmanas (350-650 CE) and #Buddhism under the Palas (900-1100 CE). They ruled from Pragjyotishpura (present-day Guwahati), only 127 km from here.

The most interesting find at the site is a beautifully carved, large, circular stone slab, a suryachakra, which was once part of the ceiling of an ancient Surya #temple. Intricate reliefs of various #Hindu deities such as Vishnu and Ganesh are strewn all around.

Also found everywhere are Shiva Lingas, locally believed to number 99,999! Remnants of ancient Buddhist influence can also be found in the form of 25 votive stupas, dating back to the 1st century CE.

There are a handful of temples too – a Shiva temple, remains of a Vishnu temple and the excavated ruins of others. All the reliefs at Sri Surya Pahar are ascribed to the Eastern School of Art, which developed its own distinct style during the Pala dynasty.

The influence of #Jainism is indicated by three naked rock-cut figures, dating to the 9th century. #DidYouKnow that Sri Surya Pahar marked the boundary of Jainism in the east?

Sri Surya Pahar was an important religious centre. Sadly, there is little or no literature on the site. Which is why we also don’t know why and when it went into decline.

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20 नवम्बर, 1659 ई. - अफजल खां का वध :- बीजापुर की तरफ से अफजल खां को छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के खिलाफ भेजा गया। अफजल खां 10 हज़ार क...