Sunday 8 May 2022

The Holy Mother’s way of life

When we start an establishment or an Ashrama for serving the masses, we procure all kinds of equipment, furniture etc., and try to create some stir to attract people. But the holy mother’s way of life was such, that her place fulfilled the purposes of worship, a school, an Ashrama for looking after the needy and the destitute, and a hospital for the sick - all in one. Those, who were fortunate to be near the Mother, to have her Darsan and talk to her, were strongly impressed by the Mother’s constant remembrance of the Lord, her entire dependence on Him under all circumstances, and her unique faith and devotion to Him. There was no special room or chapel for the Master wherever the Mother was. He would be there with her. At Jayrambati, his place was in a niche in the mud wall. Getting up from her sleep, she would have the Darsan of the Master, have her morning ablutions and then sit for Japa and Dhyana. She would then perform her daily chores of the household: cut the vegetables for cooking, have her bath and worship, arrange for the cooking, prepare the betel rolls, offer ‘Bhoga’ to the Master, see that the Prasada was distributed as lunch to the inmates, and then take her share of it as food. She then had some rest. In the afternoon she would receive the devotees and others, collected there, and talk to them, and enquire about the welfare of the neighbours. At dusk she would offer light and incense to the Master and meditate for some time. Then at night she would offer Bhoga, take the Prasada and then go to sleep. Over and above these, she would serve the guests, relations, Sadhus and devotees. She showed no aversion or negligence towards any work of the household. Everything was for the Master. The household was entirely the Master’s own and so everything was done for him. She was living only through his direction. He was the Lord and she was just a maid-servant in his household. The only aim of her living in her body was to serve him and please him.

(Swami Saradeshananda “The Mother As I Saw Her”, Part II, Ch.11 “The Mother’s Way Of Life”)

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