Sunday, 14 August 2022

Every time you break sīla


Every time you break sīla you justify it, and at the surface level you feel perfectly all right. 

1) You say to yourself, "I killed that fellow because he was bad." 

2) Or you may say, "Why should he have that? What was wrong with my taking it? I’m quite happy now." 

3) Or else you say, "I had sexual relations but I didn’t harm anybody; it was not a rape, we both consented. What is wrong with that?" 

4) Or again you say, "I took only a little glass of wine and I didn’t get intoxicated. What was wrong with that? 
After all, when I’m in society somebody offers me a glass of wine and by accepting it I am not disturbing the peace and harmony of society, I am helping it. Everybody’s happy." 

🌷  They are happy with the layer of ash covering the truth. 

They don’t know that they are burning deep inside and that they keep giving fuel to this burning." 

Every time you break any sīla you are giving more and more fuel to this fire and you become more and more miserable. 

This cannot be understood by arguments or discussions. 

Only when you go deeper can you realize that every vocal or physical action that breaks the law of nature simultaneously causes harm to yourself.

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अफजल खां का वध

20 नवम्बर, 1659 ई. - अफजल खां का वध :- बीजापुर की तरफ से अफजल खां को छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के खिलाफ भेजा गया। अफजल खां 10 हज़ार क...